Enhancing gratitude through a staff peer recognition board. ______________, a. life Youll have to get creative to check off everything on the list, especially abstract things like love, but thats part of the challenge. If you found the list above still too vague, there are many more specific examples of a positive attitude in action. involves making decisions about how to use resources. These science-based exercises will explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values and self-compassion and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students or employees. Strengthen your memory for positive information by using positive words more often. Sasson, R. (n.d.). Positivity doesnt always refer to simply smiling and looking cheerful, howeverpositivity is more about ones overall perspective on life and their tendency to focus on all that is good in life. Keep Quote Books, or notebooks for your children to write in. If something is not to your liking, change your liking., No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit., Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. So often I have heard a loved one say to a cancer patient who is crying, Stop crying. Further, trust in management was linked to positive leadership and performance. In case you haven't noticed, there's been a move behind the scenes by groups of professionals and industry associations to ensure professional work standards in their industry sectors. Great work, This article is an engaging abundance of enlightening information that is intriguing and elegantly composed. Decide to be happy by being grateful and assuming the people around you have the best of intentions. The Protective Factors worksheet will get you thinking about all of the positive traits, attributes, and skills that contribute to your resilience and overall mental health. Having a good time even when you are losing. 10 Characteristics of Professionalism in the Workplace Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Making decisions or taking action based on that is not only a bad idea, but tends to feed negative attitudes. Do a quick Google search on how to cultivate a more positive mindset, and youll see that there are tons of suggestions out there! Create more ways to integrate learning across the curriculum and consider ways to redesign the curriculum. Jonathon has been given a specific amount of money to complete a project. Self-discipline allows a worker to remain focused, stay on task, be on time, and meet deadlines. a system for organizing your tasks and appointments. Pay attention to your diet, and ensure that you eat healthy food that will contribute to a healthy and positive mind. Related: 7 personal attributes to mention in your interview the process of leading others. If a manager demonstrates a positive attitude, it will help others feel positive, too. Here are just a few of the many books on developing a positive mindset: If youre still with me after this very long read, thanks for sticking with it! Jarrow, C. (2012). following a company's policy of addressing patients by their last names. What would you like to achieve during this timeframe? Work to create a positive reputation and preserve it through your behaviour at work. Give specifics. Anger is a basic emotion evolved from the need for survival, fending off predators and fleeing [], Dealing with difficult emotions is hard for young children. Group Exercises), 10 Worksheets for Training a Positive Mindset (PDF), 32 Quotes and Affirmations on Positive Mindset/Attitude, reduce rates of depression and levels of distress, Buggy and Buddy motivational art activity. Healthcare workers can discuss a patient's personal information and medical conditions with the patient and with other healthcare workers who are treating the patient. Once you have your strengths identified, move on to the rest of the worksheet: learning about your strengths in specific areas, how you apply them now, and how you can use them more often. Zdravko Lukovski from the Enlightenment Portal website has 10 exercises and activities that you can implement in your own life or encourage your clients to try in order to think more positively: This list from Thought Catalogs Kathy Mitchell (2017) has some of the same ideas as Lukovski, but she adds a few more activities as well: If youre more interested in games you can play to boost positive thinking, try these suggested games from Mary Osborne (2017) at Live Strong. So, now we know what a positive mindset is, we can dive into the next important question: What does it look like? I consider myself to be a person who is highly committed to learningpersonal and professional learningin all spheres of life. Check your internal dialogue, and challenge that critical inner voice to make room for happiness. In some cases, employees may be required to sign confidentiality agreements that specify certain information that must be kept private, such as information about customers or company products. the act of giving information to or receiving information from another person. Quotes can be fantastic motivators, but you probably agree that a rousing speech or inspiring video can be even more effective. Building a positive framework for your thoughts is not about being bubbly and annoyingly cheerful, but making an investment in yourself and your future. A specific date and time when a task needs to be completed. After sunset is there still enough light for photography? Creating art that helps them to manage their feelings and turn their mind towards the positive (more info, Have each family member create a Slinky Character Trait Person. Be positive. Which of the following demonstrates teamwork? -a doctor who explains a hospital's goals to an employee he recently hired Youve probably heard the common phrases and encouragements used when discussing someones cancer diagnosis. There are many positive thinking exercises and games that can give you a boost. OBaugh, J., Wilkes, L. M., Luke, S., & George, A. Get good at being rejectedit happens to everyone! Enjoying the unexpected, even when its not what you wanted originally. Help your students change negative thinking patterns (encourage them to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones). Specifically, how have you used this protective factor to your advantage in the past? Express your thankfulness and gratitude for all the good things in your life. For each student, consider . High levels of awareness across the whole school community. Happy salespeople have higher sales than other salespeople. Make sure employees know what you want from them and what they need to do in order to succeed. Self-control and regulation are key skills to facilitate in young children, as failure to develop sufficient [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 PositivePsychology.com B.V. Do not allow unnecessary distractions such as socializing to prevent you from completing your work. How can you provide students with a concrete understanding of their future options? Check all of the boxes that apply. What Is a Good Attitude at Work and 10 Ways To Improve Yours First, for the Looking Back portion, you will be instructed to choose a timeframe to reflect on (for example, the past year or since starting my new job). These 12 activities include: To read more about how each of these activities contributes to your wellbeing, download the handout here. -a front desk worker who refuses to take a break with coworkers during time he scheduled for making phone calls to patients, a specific date and time that a task needs to be completed, a plan that shows where money will come from and how it will be used for a specific period of time. Managers are responsible for motivating employees and getting them to produce quality work efficiently. Health professional student attitudes towards people with disability. Adults are typically recommended to get ______________ hours of sleep. 18 Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work a person who motivates others and models good behavior. You would need to plan out how much you can spend throughout the year in order to accomplish the team's goals without running out of money. Having a positive attitude in the workplace won't necessarily make you better at your job, but it will improve the way people view you as a person, so they may be more inclined to help you . Im bringing a positive attitude to work every day. that you can be counted upon to meet, or exceed, your responsibilities. In order to believe in ourselves, we must first understand our personal strengths. Changing student teachers attitudes towards disability and inclusion. and review a list of a generic individuals positive behaviors (like giving credit to others, smiling, saying thank you, and listening nonjudgmentally). Make asking questions central to your teaching and to your learning environment and school culture. Why a positive mindset is a managers indispensable ally. You have shared various nice photos of the same. ), Its not complaining no matter how unfair things appear to be. -a technician who keeps her workspace organized Cullins, A. Optimism doesnt wait on facts. Professionalism: An Attitude and a Way of Life - Legacy Bowes What are you grateful for from this timeframe? Happier employees are more productive than other employees. Keep updating more simple tips like this.. Osborne, M. (2017). All of these findings show that having a positive attitude towards those with a disability is not only the right thing to work toward, but it also has a significant positive influence on both those with disability and those around them. The Three Good Things exercise, in which the nursing staff maintains a three good things sheet that gets passed around all the nurses at the end of their shift; each staff member writes down at least one good thing that happened that day, and the charge nurse selects three of these positive things to share with the oncoming-shift nurses to help them start their day with positivity. Approaching your day in a professional manner is a great way to help maintain a positive attitude at work. -a surgeon who has a positive attitude that motivates her assistants ), Making someones day. What are personal and professional values and why are they - Indeed A cancer patient will likely be told at least a few times that You have to stay positive! and You can fight this if you maintain a positive attitude.. Make sure that your students grow both in terms of content they learn and the learning to learn skills they need to develop in order to learn well in the future. This draws the team members towards his/her vision. This also improves your professional appearance for others who see your workspace. Davis, T. (2018). This could be a person, a job, a great meal with friends, or anything else that comes to mind.. Environmental gains include reduced air pollution, improved air quality, and enhanced living conditions. According to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking can increase your lifespan, reduce rates of depression and levels of distress, give you greater resistance to the common cold, improve your overall psychological and physical well-being, improve your cardiovascular health and protect you from cardiovascular disease, and help you build coping skills to keep you afloat during challenging times (2017). A Definition, Characteristics and Traits of a Positive Mindset: 6 Examples. Here are 12 ways you can develop and practice professionalism: Be productive Use your time productively at work. Leader self-structure: A framework for positive leadership. There are many personal qualities that are associated with professionalism, including: Responsibility Dependability Organizing time and tasks Self-discipline Productivity Etiquette Confidentiality Teamwork, leadership, and management Communication Responsibility getting your work done, fulfilling your commitments, and taking ownership of your work. This might help you get to the root of the problem and end the conversation on a positive, lighter note. Read the scenario, and then answer the question. Staff teams who are knowledgeable, skilled, and committed. When everyone has listed their responses to these behaviors, talk about them as a group to show that engaging in positive behaviors like these will attract clients, customers, and coworkers rather than repel them. This can involve active listening, maintaining eye contact, and using positive body language. We dont claim that just thinking happy thoughts will bring you all the success you desire in life, and we certainly dont believe that optimism is warranted in every situation, every minute of the day. For example, consider how learning about the American Revolution might be tied to a current event happening in the world. Having a positive attitude is a choice you can make. Many homework on the continual hunt along with offstage on the road to winning. In fact, employees with a high degree of professionalism are frequently perceived as being more credible and reliable than their coworkers. Which of the following are examples of respecting confidentiality? For example, positive attitudes can include: Now we know a little bit more about what a positive mindset looks like, we can turn to one of the biggest questions of all: Whats the deal with having a positive attitude? Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself., An optimist understands that life can be a bumpy road, but at least it is leading somewhere. 10 positive thinking exercises & activities that will change your life. He places one next to his bed and one farther away, so he has to get out of bed to turn it off. It helps an employee stay focused. May you live with ease.. Ask yourself, Do I think positively? Take a test or quiz on positivity to see where you stand. 3 EI Pack. Share your own positive experiences with your child. The positive self-talk/coping thoughts worksheet is a great way to turn your focus from the negative to the positive and come up with positive statements you can use to cope in future stressful or difficult situations. Play the role of your students biggest fan (encourage them and help them develop. Its okay to feel down or think pessimistically sometimes, but choosing to respond with optimism, resilience, and gratitude will benefit you far more in the long run. Helps the professional build a good reputation and advance in their career (Swanson, n.d.). The way you carry yourself at work can also inspire others to follow in your footsteps and be . Write Morning Love Notes (sweet notes for them to read in the morning and get a good start to their day) for your children, and encourage them to write them for their siblings. Positive Attitude, Professionalism, and Punctuality: How to Avoid Turn True False Business COLL 148-21289 Answer & Explanation Solved by verified expert