I want to recreate them with a recipe contest! I enjoyed reading everyone's comments - these cookies were the BEST and I can still remember their taste. Maybe I will email Keebler and encourage them to check out this site - for sure there's a demand - so how 'bout they provide the supply - :). I remember my mom buying these and trying to hide them from my sister and me, but we could find them anywhere! Feel free to have friends and family make additional requests. No purchase necessary. Nabisco could reintroduce these cookies with much fanfare and publicity and then watch their profits soar. Oh, what happened to them!? Here is the Nabisco email for comments. I've often remembered the ideal bar with fondness and wished I'd had one. Why is Oreo banned in USA? In the 1970s and 80s, when the guards stepped away, the pots and flames came out. Little Debbie makes a larger bar that are okay, but not from the same pure chocolate or peanut butter. I have been looking for these cookies for years now! I think maybe Nabisco, but not real sure. Me and my Dad loved them. The Rise, Fall, and Return of Hydrox Cookies, the Proto-Oreo I'm not a Facebook person but why doesn't someone set up friend of Ideals page and start a 2010 size campaign to get Nabisco to reintroduce this classic to the millions of cookie eaters who were born after the Ideal plug was pulled. PLEASE make them for us. Sorry Mother and Daddy, you couldn't stop us!!! They were best after being in the fridge. They were our special treat. My mom and I were just talking about good cookies that are no longer available. Our family loved these cookies..I still look for them when I shop.I hope Nabisco brings them back. Memories at my grandmothers came flooding back. And, for a minute, it felt like a game-changer for Sunshine Biscuits. Ideal ,One of the best cookies ever on the store shelf ! However, Reeses sticks are too sweet and less rich than the Idea Bar. You need more diversity than this to keep my business!!! It seems like we ought to be able to recreate a recipe - anyone? http://nabiscoworld.custhelp.com/app/contact. I use to eat them in maryland. Oreo was one of three cookies introduced by Nabisco on April 2, 1912, with the other twothe Mother Goose biscuit and the Veronese biscuitnow lost to history. I could sit and eat a whole box when I was a kid. We kept them in the refrigerator and they typically lasted less than a day. Getting the lard out: The koshering of the Oreo cookie So many people would buy them just for the memories. I just stole one of my kids' Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter Chocolatey Granola Bars. My sister, my best friend (who passed away at the age of 39)introduced the Ideal cookie to me. I cannot believe there are others out there like my family. Please, Nabiscobring them back. I miss them. They were great. Since 1912, the snack food company has created so many different variations of its beloved chocolate sandwich cookie, including holiday-themed and limited-edition flavors, mystery flavors, a version branded by streetwear label Supreme, and even glittery Oreos.Nabisco's willingness to reinvent the Oreo and keep fans interested with . I guess they don't need the money. And please don't pretend that apple cinnamon spice Newton is the . They were too good to have just one, just two - maybe four!!! I would love to have them back. I frequently speak of these cookies and how incredible they were. Please bring them back. Have tea in a cemetery with a dazzling view of Istanbul. I would beg my mom when she sent me to the store to let me buy a package of Ideal bars, she would always say yes. I guess it was supposedly the heat that they stopped manufacturing these cookies. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. I don't buy cookies or pudding any more, but I would buy Ideal Bars and Spoon Candyso would many baby boomers. DON'T cheapen the ingredient deck! Had to google it and found this thread. The logs were a staple in my cupboards also. Nabisco has been making Teddy Grahams since 1988, according to The Retro Network.Almost immediately after debuting, the sweet treats became staples in kids' lunch boxes and a favorite after-school snack. A mouse got into the cupboard and ate one bite from each cookie -- I would happily still have eaten them all, but the counselors made me throw them out --I still get sad thinking about it!! I wish they would bring them back at least as a promotional item for a few months, possibly the holiday season???? I remember hiding them to keep them for myself. Press gently with palm of hand to flatten slightly. My sisters and I loved them and ordering GS Tagalongs reminds us every year that they've disappeared. They would be a big hit! One glassful was good for 3-4 cookies. Now - as to starting a "petition" - any suggestions and who would like to sign?! We need to contact Nabisco a.s.a.p. ISO: Nabisco Ideal cookie bar clone recipe : PJ Virginia - 3-27-2006 : 1: Recipe: Ideal cookie bar information : Halyna - NY - 3-27-2006 : 2: It's great to hear from consumers who are looking for our products because it lets us know how much you enjoy them. Even though I feel cookies made from scratch using the finest ingredients can't be beat. I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! I contacted Nabisco one time they said they could find no record of them ever making such a cookie. All the other cookies out there except for Pinwheels, Mallowmars and maybe a few others aren't any good; in fact they are terrible compared to Ideal. Yes, please bring the Ideal Peanut Butter Bars back along with the Hey Deys, the crispy chocolate carmel bar. On my birthday as a 'Twenty Something' I asked for Ideal cookies instead of a cake!! Then about seven years ago I found Little Debbies Peanut Bars and a 30 year void in my life has been lifted. I would occasionally take an entire bag (I could not take one from the bag, so a whole bag was required). And that was the keythe slightly salty peanut butter. I never even had a Reese's peanut butter cup until I was out of high school because of these bars. - Touche, old man! I loved those cookies. The truth was a bit more complicated, however. I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. I love the taste of peanut butter and chocolate and the IEDAL cookies are the reason why. "Once Upon A Time" I was told that Nabisco discontinued production of these cookies because of the heat factor in shipping (chocolate melting, etc.) Dropping them made no sense! I believe that is why they discontinued them. I don't ever remember having them but it sounds like they were very tasty. Keebler makes a Pretzel bite that is as close as it gets, but still not Ideal!!!!!! Yesterday a friend gave me a homemade treat that reminded me a lot of Ideal Bars. I have been looking for these cookies for 35 years and would love to have some again. TD PGH. Well it was about 9 AM and I knew I was busted but Mom wasn't due home till much later in the afternoon. Good times. I would bite off one end and submerge it in a glass of ice cold milk, it would absorb the milk and the center would be soft encased in the crunchy chocolate. I want one now! I would buy them by the case. I used to sell Nabisco cookies, and Ideal bars were a great seasonal item, just like Mallomars and Pinwheels. Nabisco workers had said their first strike in 52 years is about keeping what they already had as employees producing Oreo cookies, Ritz crackers and other snacks for Nabisco parent Mondelez . Would love to be able to buy again. OfficeWorld.com has over 100K business products in-stock, up to 80% savings, industry-leading service, FREE 1- to 2-day delivery over $49*! Should they bring this back it would totally destroy the sales for all the other peanut butter cookies out there. Come on you guys bring them back. I LOVED these exact cookies too. I still check the grocery store shelves - just on case. But the shift wasnt enough; in 2001, Kelloggs had bought the Keebler brand, putting Hydrox under yet another corporate owner, and by 2003, it had stopped selling Hydrox altogethersans a brief reprieve in 2008 after enough consumers complained that it briefly changed its mind. Let's bring them back, people!!! I still have the scar and it reminds me of these wonderful cookies everyday. Please let me find Ideal PB cookie bars on our cookie shelves. My mother bought the Ideal peanut butter bars for my father (I don't know why he was allowed to hog them). )which got me thinking again about the best cookie ever, IDEAL! Nabisco also used to sell assortment packages that are no longer produced. I had no idea when I typed the name ideal peanut butter bars into google how many like minded souls there would be!! i didnt no they stopped making them i thought they were hard to find because they didnt make enough.i dont even buy cookies anymore they s__k that was the only cookie. These were definitely the best cookies. These teeth-melting treats were promoted heavily, but disappeared after a few years. Nabisco kept the other fruit-flavored Newtons (raspberry, strawberry). Offer subject to change without notice. I thought I was the only one that searched grocery store shelves all over america for these treats!! It works perfectly. I would eat them with bananas!! google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; I would start with me first and the pass them down to the next generations! I used to buy Ideal cookies when I lived in Wisconsin. The name, they thought, would be reminiscent of the sunlight that glimmered through its factories, in addition to speaking to a basic purity of product. LOL I swear I wish they would bring those cookies back. In the 80's, I believe, Ideal just didn't sell that well, and they were discontinued; I have a feeling that as the price crept higher and higher, many of the brands that were never featured were ignored. We used to get them a lot and they were great. Ok folks, you can duplicate the taste of these Ideal cookies. I would, I loved them. i can recall Sat. I thought this was the absolute best snack until I got the bright idea of doing the same thing with coffeemelting dark chocolate and soft peanut butter filling - I was in heaven! 1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands. They were the best. Nabisco the market for them is ready and waiting!!!! You can wait around and hope but, frankly, I'd be astonished to see anything of their class again. The Return to the Brown-Edged Wafer - Out of Ambit I guess I'm not the only one in the world that loved those great cookies. Thought I was the only one who felt this way about Ideal. Oh my a cold glass of milk and and a few Ideals that is all I asklol. I used to ask for them in my Easter basket and in my Christmas stocking! All these comments make me want to cry, for i too lost an old friend when the ideal peanutbutter bars were discontinued, i am a diabetic now but i would give a little toe for a pack of those sweet logs, twix has or had a p-butter cookie that was simalur but nothing compares i will boycot nabisco products till they bring back the best cookie in the world!!! Round cookies make easy snacks for kids and adults Baked cookies with a classic crispy texture for a satisfying crunchy snack Ideal for sweet snacks or desserts Specifications Contains: Soy, Wheat May Contain: Peanuts, Tree Nuts Filling: No Filling State of Readiness: Ready to Eat Package Quantity: 1 Bakery topping: Brown Sugar I also had sent Nabisco a email to bring them back, but alas not yet. Please? I often times tell my family about this cookie. It is Little Debbie Peanut Butter Crunch cookie bars. Please Nabisco, make a good business decision and bring these back. The boycott was prompted by the Mondelez company's decision to close its American factories and move production to Mexico. My husband promised me a case of them if we ever saw them again - which we have not. Youd be surprised how many companies are hoarding trademarks, Kassoff told The Consumerist in 2014. Why Nabisco why??? These were the best cookies ever. I have thought of these cookies so many times over the years. They were very good/, So there's no way to get these anymore then? I agree, bring them back. They really should bring them back!!!!! getting the chocolate on your fingers was part of the funlicking it off after you were done with the cookie. After reading all your comments and listening to my husband, I want one NOW! I look for them everytime I go to the store. But if you take a look off to the side in the grocery store, you might see one brand in particular that, in fact, was invented four years before Oreosa cookie brand that looks remarkably similar. Not to many, and just enough (until the next trip to the store! I used to hate that they came in such a small package, but that is the size package I would kill for now. Yup, I've been craving them for years now and, alas, still no Ideal like an ideal. Waiting to see how it reacts with milk compared to what I remember. Maybe it will be a slow day and they might make a story of these great cookies and all the devote followers craving their return.. Perhaps this way Nabisco might open their eyes. I found this site this morning. I wish I could get through to Kraft/Nabisco! http://www.nabiscoworld.com/misccontent/contactus/contact.aspx?m=cu_form2&age=3&coppa=False&prod=True&sub=335 opps ;), My letter wasnt enough to bring em back, lets do this ppl :) Here's Nabiscos reply: Hi Dan, Thank you for visiting http://www.nabiscoworld.com and for your interest in Kraft Foods. Keebler realized this was a problem and quickly attempted to rename the cookies Droxies, a sort of softening of the name to discourage people from thinking of chemicals. Please, someone foreward all these requests to Nabisco. Why were they ever taken off the market? Another favorite of mine was TostettesI loved them because they were so moist and full of fruit and had a little sprinkle of sugar on topjust the right amount (cold or hot). Such a wonderful cookie, I sure wish they would bring them back!! Even the Girl Scout peanut butter sandwich cookies at the time, the Savannahs didn't compare, and they were my favorite Girl Scout cookie. I knew they were peanut butter logs - I couldn't remember the Ideal part. I cannot believe the number of people who remember these cookies! Mom finally had to restrict us to 1 each otherwise they never lasted more than an hour after getting them home. Intended to imply hydrogen and oxygenthe two chemicals that make up waterthe result has a more clinical, less roll-off-the-tongue convention to it, and instead evokes hydrogen peroxide, a chemical you probably dont want to drink. I am thinking of starting a "petition" that would go to Nabisco we all NEED these Ideal bars back on the shelves of our local stores. "The levels of lead found in Nabisco's Ginger Snap cookies posed a serious health threat, potentially impacting the brain development of our children," said California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris in a press release quoted in Consumer Affairs. an update: I just received a msg indicating that my note referenced above was not deliverable to "cis@nabisco.com". These were a chocolate covered cookie shaped like a small candybar. We all should go to the keebler web site and leave our coments there also. mmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMMM!!!!! Ritz Crackers are a great anytime snack, the perfect complement for quick meals, and a versatile base for tasty party appetizers. Signed, Hooked for life. "Correction" I called this Cookie a candy bar in my rush..my apologies. I would love to see this cookie again. Ive been looking for these cookies to magically appear back on the shelves for years! 1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer. Melt the Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate morsels. Do we have to wait until the Kraft foods no longer has the patten on the cookies. Another brand recently introduced a snack that looks just like Ideal Cookies but not even close to the original taste. Come on Nabisco make my day!!!! You won't be sorry!! Bring them back. I can still remember that taste. Nabisco workers in five states end company's first strike in 52 years Ideal cookies were a staple in my house. Maybe we need to start our own petition to Nabisco! I think the chocolate was dark if I remember correctly. I am so disappointed they have discontinued them. He had to do all the hard work of reformulating the snack, but once he had figured that out, it was off to the races. I would love to sit down and devour a few of them right now. Just the population from the 70's who misses this cookie so much would constitute enough people to support reintroducing these! Absolutly loved 'em and as kids growing up in the 70's fought over them. I agree with everybody on this page. There never will be another cookie like it. I don't believe Nabisco would ship them during the summer months, at least here in New England. Write to this addy Kraft Foods Global, Inc. Consumer Relations Group 1 Kraft Court Glenview, IL 60025. Please lets get them back.. OMG!!!!! I thought they might only be a local New England product but see now it was nation wide. My brother DeNault asked me just a few years ago what were those cookies? Ideal bars are by far the best cookie of my childhood. PLEASE bring them back! How I wish we could still buy them. the real reason is that it was the perfect cookie. I do all the shopping! I also searched for them in the past. We are sisters who grew up in California in the 60's and 70's and were TOTALLY addicted to the Ideal cookie bar!!! Well, considering that disputes about the sandwich cookie and its origins are still going on to this day, the answer is yes.
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