Of course not. Not Marchal! As to fiction I found the ones I did read ended up thrown against the wall. Do you even think hed allow her to end things? He sent poison to Paris, where it passed through several hands before ending up in the jug containing the chicory water. Because no one knows that Cassel is one of the conspirators (and UGH I dont know WHY the Chevalier just didnt tell Marchal or Louis???) A day later, I was hooked. Nice one, Montcourt. Though only a few actually act on it. Marchal is having a hard time believing Montcourts usual crapabout returning to court because he is a true friend to the king and was his duty to inform him of a threat to Henriettes life. Is Philippe such a child and so lacking in self-restraint that he cant wait a few extra moments until they, too, were behind closed doors? The steps, the swinging of the arms, the movement of the coat and their cravats. Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info It was Season 1. Are you suggesting that she would have the power to deny the king even if she wanted to? Marchal: The King once told me, he warned me quite clearly that his enemies would seek to destroy those closest to him. They could not be more different in this moment. The moment stretches and Claudine shakes her head: she will not survive the poison. We see a shot of Philippe and Louis: Philippe is stunned and mega sad. but the show never uses his name, referring to him only as his title of Chevalier, probably to avoid confusion . And Rohan chuckles and I well. Henriette answered Montagu with a shrug: she did not know. Because he did feel something for her, despite her repeated betrayal of him, over and over. Fact-checking Versailles: how historically accurate is the BBC drama? Plus he told Louis he didnt recognise the sender of the notes which is technically true. And she was having an affair with the Comte de Guiche. It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. The sudden onset of Henriettes illness, the severe pain and the short time between the onset of her symptoms and her death suggested to her contemporaries that she had been poisoned. Nomie Schmidt, finally royal in 'Versailles' - TV Show Patrol Lot of time on my hands at the momentLULZ. Only a year or so to go until a new season arrived on fledgling network Ovation, its U.S. cable home. When an autopsy was done (observed by 17 French doctors, two English physicians, the British ambassador and around 100 other onlookers) death was deemed to be from cholera morbus (gastroenteritis) caused by heated bile. The poor Chevalier, accused when he wasnt even there! And then of course, Philippe rapes her (only the once? ), (*WTF. Then he turns and suddenly a Man In a Mask is standing there. We see his offer to help refused time and time again. Of his power, of his country. But in context, with everything else going on in the show and with what Philippe deals with, I can understand why he did it. Josephine Wilkinson is an academic and author. And the next shot is Louis in slow-mo, walking out. It is so interesting to watch, given a discussion I had on Twitter earlier with some fellow fans. Rohan slits the other guards throat, watches from a distance as the young prince has a sack put over his head then bundled off. Philippe has been by her side throughout this. Some were obviously written for massive impact. Brilliant writing. No context is provided about who he is, no indication he is married. I couldnt honestly say. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. I was merely pointing out how such treatment of his wife would hardly help warm her feelings towards him. Horrible man. She could not affect change herself. Or twenty, I suppose. Season Two Mike and the last of Rohans men are massacred in a last stand by the musketeers, led by Fabien Marchal. But that was the thinking of the time. You admit her situation is unfair and certainly, she is powerless where her husband (and Louis) are concerned and yet, simply because of the screwed up thinking of the day, the thinking that removed a womans personhood and reduced her to mere property, she is the villain for not being able to love a man who ignores her and rapes her? Philippe replies, almost resignedly: Im not asking for permission. Le Roi Danse, which is all about the rise and fall of Lully, Louis XIVs court composer (French, but hard to find with English subtitles). Henriette says a glorious death in battle would not displease him. It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? Thanks for the correction I listened to that audio over and over but couldnt quite get the last word! Youre brought up, its your duty. But of course, she has no power to rid herself of him, so his death would be her only chance. At least thats always been his excuse. (aaaand check out the looks on Louis and Bontemps faces as I randomly paused right here. A side-note: On Sophie. The first time we see Philippe is with his lover. Then Philippe walks out, still dressed in his nightshirt and robe, barefoot. Her intent is not to hurt Philippe by sleeping with Louis, she simply doesnt care (and I dont blame her). Romantic wouldnt work, but she could become a protge of his. The writers want us to think that evrry time they had kids, he had to rape her? This was served to Henriette by her unsuspecting maid. She was merely being used by the man she was in love with. It was quite the method du jour to get rid of a person, as the series has shown. Okay, Im gonna walk you through what I see, so bear with me. Yes. Required fields are marked *. I have some questions. We see about ten hooded figures, along with the Unmasked Man whom Rohan freed from jail. My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. And so was she. Philippe had stillborn twins and a daughter, a son who died at 2 and one at 4, plus two miscarriages. In the end though, nobody was actually tortured or executed on charges of killing her. Henriette feels nothing for Philippe, he not having put any more effort into endearing himself to her than she to him and he also complicating things for her where Louis is concerned. Obviously he loves Chevalier. Similarly, perforation of the gall bladder may have led to an excess of bile leaking into the peritoneum causing the corruption and gangrene reported by her doctors. The cost is justified a hundred fold! ..And Philippes face that little sigh, the look he is incredulous. But gossip is gossip and it was particularly rife and vicious in those days. The opening episode of Versailles season two featured fortune tellers and laser beams. Right away, I am feeling negative towards them both, and yes, judgey about Henriette. But she is human and she can feel jealousy and make inappropriate remarks at inappropriate moments. even if it turned out his brother was the poisoner. Around 5pm on 29th June Henriette drank chicory water, then keeled over saying Ah! She is in such a tizzy that she barely gives her daughter, Sophie, the. Do you honestly think that just because certain abusesatrocities, evenwere acceptable, that those on the receiving end didnt feel anger, pain, violation, etc. : . Anything Henriette had done to Philippe, he had done to herand worse. In every possible way. .. now, I am not saying that Colbert is implying Philippe poisoned his wife, but it sure sounds like it. Versailles - Season 1 - IMDb Just because the thinking of the day viewed a woman as mere property and not a person in her own right does not mean she isnt a human being with the same feelings and needs as any other. Cassel passes him and bows. Is it any wonder she couldnt work up any concern over the possibility that her rapist might die in battle? So how could you be scared? But his treatment of her does make me think, rather than an actual person, the writers have quite subtly used her as a tool: she is the only person Philippe can take his frustrations out on he knows she loves Louis, and at that point Louis is still very much in love with her Philippe knows this, and punishes Louis the only way he can, but punishing his mistress. Later on, we see the portrait back in Louiss chamber Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. Wow. How can people not see Rohans calculating glances, his sly little looks? Your question misses the question, Montcourt replies cryptically. And, more importantly, Henriette NEVER RAPED Philippe. For her lot to improve, she could only hope for things to happen. This is who they truly are in this one moment of grief. First off let me say that I absolutely love your reviews of Versailles, Ms. Jules. Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. Montcourt tried to tell me the same. UGH. Because the whole world gave you counsel. He takes her hand and closes his eyes and for a moment he is vulnerable. Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. Henriette of England is poisoned during her trip back from England. She could have answered with an honest yes but she evades the question. We see this SO MANY TIMES it becomes frustrating and sad. She is used by the king to hurt his brother. In Paris, says Colbert. Thank you (and I agree with you on all pints!!! Thank you. I know historically Philippe did leave Versailles for a time, but season two Louis without Philippe will be interesting because while Louis takes shots at him every chance he gets, at the end of the day Philippe is the only true person around him besides Bontemps. Louis, who never forgave a slight, always ensured that the guilty paid dearly. Glad to see he lives on, at least for awhile. Not sure and he leaves. I just wanna smash his smug ferret face. FOCUS. But I also know that their greatest plan has yet to show itself. the camera pans to Louis, Colbert, Louvois (clearly worried, as he should be), who says, but what if shes merely ill? Marchal: then your appetite will be merely inconvenienced, Louvois. Bontemps appears. So to me, this indicates hes still quite scared. I did have a thought, though, why the writers didnt build up to her being the young version of one of Louis mistresses, he had so many. First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. Neither of them showed much interest or affection for the other, both clearly preferring their lovers. He is beyond selfish and his cruel behaviour is at the root of all of their misery. And laudanum as a sedative was much used at the time. We must get the king and the queen and yourself to safety at once. And the penny drops for Bontemps, his look of dismay so clear. They are singing. Minor detail maybe, but not sure if that doesnt change the meaning of the next bit somewhat? Louis strolls over to the fireplace and picks up a poker, calmly summarising whats happened on his roads, his people dying, attempts on his own life, and now his beloved Henriette. P.S. Philippe and Henriette are quite possibly the two people Louis loves most, and yet he uses and hurts them both repeatedly to get what he wants and because he is paranoid about his brother. She is simply besotted with Louis, so in love, that shed do anything he told her to. What the king wants, the king gets. So many questions.. let me see: did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? If anything, his expression pays deference to her status as a princess, hes contemplating his own mortality. Pretty sure he was not the one who did the poisoning thing. I guess in summary, I saw more nuance and non-verbal cues with Philippe that made him a more sympathetic character. I also read your discussion between yourself and Teresa about episode 10. And there is also Dangerous Liaisons, but that is set in the 18th century. Montcourt pauses its clear he recognises Rohans voice. Oh, Lord receive me she softly says, opens her eyes can you hear that? she was the one who found it, actually. the court was rife with extra-marital affairs involving married women as well as men, but still) but that does not mean Henriette could turn her feelings for Louis off at the touch of a wedding ring from a man she didnt choose or want. Oh, Louis most definitely would choose France over his brother. But Marchal continues calmly. It is always Louis for her. Louis is greeted by Bontemps in his chambers, who enquires about Henriettes health. He has poisoned all of them. Philippe is jealous. Philippe: my brother always trusted you. Claudine: I am honoured. Philippe whispers: I dont believe I know what it feels like. .. Emo Philippe, so dark and tortured! I do. did the male medicin drink the vial of poison accidentally or on purpose? Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. There is no change. A page for describing Characters: Versailles. Im going to be stalking these recaps in the arduous wait for season two. They had children. And c) to show the resentment Philippe has for his wife, a woman whom he has to share with his brother, and he cannot do a damn thing about it. It is my experience that it is only those closest to a man that can inflict the greatest pain. Such a beautiful moment, with Philippe building on their complex relationship, reminding Louis of a more simplistic time. Royal FamilyKing Louis XIV Arranged Marriage: To Marie-Thrse Boom, Headshot! And if you reread my words very carefully, you might realise that I never once touched on the legality of it. There is your music.. Versailles - Stagione 3 Episodio 10. The writers of the show took quite creative liberty with the relationships some turned out to be clever and well-written, some I just eye rolled SO HARD. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. It is only since the end of the 20th centuary up to present day that wives can now shout rape, I know of a woman in the 60s that had a baby and had to be stitched, her husband cut her stitches out and raped her. Philippe weeps. See above comments about Henriettes powerlessness as a woman. Is he justified in his behaviour towards her? When we are the kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend. The state is a person. It was total and raw and real and I wept long and bitter tears for him. The French musical Le Roi Soleil is always great to watch. you wanted to make it your castle. Check back soon for my overview and wrap up of the entire season. "Versailles" Bring the Garden Here (TV Episode 2015) - IMDb A fabulous shot of Versailles under construction and we are back inside, in Louis' chambers conducting business. How do we find the poisoner? Henriette is just one more thing Louis takes from Philippe. She is not indulgent in it. And even if not, we see what Philippe is capable of when hes in a jealous snit. but afte I cliked submit my comment didnt appear. Philippes distress is written all over his face, while Louis just looks angry, eyes flinty, mouth flat, jaw clenched. Hi Jules, I must thank you for your detailed writeup of all ten episodes of Versailles. Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction - and other times, period dramas take a little artistic license . Sorry to jar you There are just some things I couldnt overlook, and I admit I was looking at Henriettes character so closely, to see if the screenwriters would sweeten her up from her historical figure. It is one or the other. Philippe replies calmly: You acted out of pride. We see a lovely shot of Versailles outside, then cut to the Kings bedchamber, where the flowers and hedges are neatly arranged around to the bed. She coudnt have said no if shed wanted to. She stays. Philippe: And so do I.. Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. And even after watching both seasons 1 and 2 of Versailles, I wouldnt say that he loved her a lot but on the show it was to a certain degree. Now that *would* be naive. Claudine and Philippe converse, with Claudine saying she feels they are not through the worst. He looks nervous and steps to Cassel, but Cassel rises and bows, along with everyone, as Louis enters. forgot to add the bit about similar shows. Louis summons the Dauphin to show him how to be a good king. Stars: George Blagden, Alexander Vlahos, Tygh Runyan Director(s . many things. Louis looks at him as he goes on: I believe this palace is a symbol of our king. In this respect, they are both on fairly equal footing. Does she want to end things with Louis? Point 5: Ah, Henriettes remark about Philippes glorious death in battle. Henriette is restrained by Philippe, the Queen and Bontemps, and Philippe is clearly suffering as he listens to his wife muffling her screams. *Deeeeeep breath* Okay. He goes on to make threats and trouble for her. What will be his legacy? I find it interesting that Louis feels the need to add: she came to find me, to put the doubt on Montespans face to rest. I am a friend. He feels betrayed. Admittedly, its in the middle of a shag, when she is distracted, but still. A brief scene follows, showing Rohan and the Dauphin sword playing and pretending a jolly game of war in the forest, thenwe are back to the Kings bedchamber where Henriette sleeps and Philippe is outside in the antechamber, brooding by the fireplace as Louis walks in. So thats why I believe that the most that Louis felt for Henriette was that he only loved her a little or to some degree but not enough. Your closest confidants told you to look elsewhere! OMG!). The one she loves the most. It is Louis who victimises Philippe and he does it in every way he can think of. Nup. I am looking at her now. Point 10: The abnoxious snog in front of Henriette. Ita all so quick, and beautifully choreographed. They take her hands. When King Charles hears that his beloved sister has been poisoned in France, it is only a matter of hours before a declaration of war. Louvois: a war they cannot afford to win. Colbert now counsels Louis on the shift of power should Henriette die: Henriettes very existence strengthens your position. Point 6: Not her greatest moment, no. Henriette of England died in Saint-Cloud, not in Versailles. I choose to believe it was a mistake on the writers part and will simply fast forward over it when I rewatch. Louis looks stunned too. The fact that she doesnt particularly want to anyway (to say no, that is) is because she is deeply in love with Louis and always has been and because her husband makes zero effort to endear himself to her. Philippe strides in slow-mo through the corridors, arms swinging, hair bouncing, coat swaying and with a tight, determined expression on his face. You! He points and accusing finger. And in 1671 during Louis three day visit to the Prince de Conds Chteau de Chantilly, the Master of Festivities and Pleasures Franois Vatel killed himself over the late delivery of fish, and Louis was quickly hustled away (as shown in the wonderful 2000 Gerard Depardieu movie, Vatel)), So we see Claudine striding to the bedchamber but her way is barred. No, of course she doesnt. Moreover, two years later, Louis invited Lorraine back to court and into the royal favour, which he would not have done had he believed Lorraine was the murderer. Then Montcourt, the sly little worm, implies that Marchal will cop shit if Henriette dies and no culprit is found, and that Marchals judgement is lacking due to the whole de Clermont thing. Beating your wife was also quite legal, acceptable and, indeed, expected. And to Ainee for perspective. Two steps behind him, as protocol dictates, is the Chevalier. I very much enjoyed reading them and especially liked your additional facts about the historical events and figures. Louis stands outside: her life is in your hands, he says ominously. She is gravely ill. Montespan pauses for a second, then declares she must go to her (because you know, Montespan is supposed to be one of her ladies-in-waiting). Louis drops the poker, approaches Montcourt. Desire for glory. Good idea, he says breathlessly. Like only a brother can. Philippelooks into the fire, whispers, I was so proud of you. And also shout out to Hannah for being a a much needed third voice. Oh, and she was the one who prepared Henriettes tea. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Another scene now, with Rohan getting ready for his ride, and a servant girl by the name of Marie entering, demanding her money. Do you see them now? Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. ), Back to Louis outside his bed chamber, where Henriettes screams of pain can be heard. Something must be done! Louis demands and now NOW he is looking scared, helpless and not at all like the King. Yes, it was the thinking of that time but wouldnt that make her a victim of circumstances, rather to be pitied than villified? Thanks for your great reviews! And who can blame her? Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Slavery was also an accepted practice of the day. And Montespan was married too, so in the eyes of the church that was double adultery. After Philippe shoots a couple rounds into the air he tells Louie, Brother we must go, the wolves will come back and there will be more. Did you have the same thought as I; that while in the moment the characters are talking about the actual wolves, the underlying message is about Louis and the traitors in his midst, starting with Moncourt. But to his brother? Ive addressed each of your points, but it has run very long and I dont know if it will post in the comments section or not. That doesnt mean a woman would feel affection for her abuser. Philippe raping his wife. but it is later, after they already speak with the guards in the background. Point 7: Chevalier moves in on Henriette the moment her husbands back is turned. Check Ovation for times and how you can watch Ovation in your area. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. UGH, Henriette. Henriette of England | Versailles Wiki | Fandom fantastic bog! It felt like if the whole world came running for us his voice thickens with emotion, we might fend off all who would take us ill. He finally looks up, at Louis. Guilt often manifests itself in an outward show of rage. Just because women were denied their personhood does not mean they were not human beings who felt as any human being might feel. Inside Versailles Henriette Sister of King Charles II of England, Henriette - known as Madame - is the wife of Philippe and the mistress of King Louis. . HOW DID THEY DO THAT SO PERFECTLY??? The final review of the finaleof Versailles. NOOOOOOO. Hi Theresa, and thanks for your comment. Today, speculation has attributed Henriettes death to intestinal blockage, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis affecting the peritoneum. Anyhow, just wanted to say He remembers too. Is there anything more beautiful than the scent of blossom in the air? Henriette gets out softly. Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Spooks), it was no surprise when this drama arrived with a hearty dollop of sex, violence, tension, and intrigue. We awarded it to you for bravery. Seizing upon Henriettes dying reproach of Philippe, he asserted that she had been the victim of a plot orchestrated by Lorraine, who held Henriette responsible for his exile and sought revenge. There is, replies Louis. After doing an excellent job negotiating an alliance with England against the Dutch (which was then promptly overturned), Henriette returns to Versailles just in time to be poisoned and die in blood-soaked agony. I am sobbing. It is fascinating to compare Philippes two moments of deep anguish side by side: when the Chevalier was arrested, we saw his total and complete breakdown, the slow crumple of his expression from shock, to horror, to abject grief, then as he collapsed to his knees and rocked while he wept. This is clearly frustrating for Bontemps, this is against all protocol, and Bontemps is nothing if a creature who takes comfort (and even enjoys) the routine of protocol. But his family and France are divided. for Season 2. We now join Rohan with the Dauphin, riding out with the Kings Guard. Marchal commands to clear the room, Louis adds: Not you, Montcourt. and the doors are sealed: no one enters. Lord. Another suggestion is that she had porphyria, although she displayed none of its symptoms. I was more appalled at Louis seeming lack of concern for his brothers life. And what better way to keep Louis safe than have his Head of Security plant one of his spies in his bed? Henrietta of England - Wikipedia Im no Henriette fan, but Im so sorry, no, Philippe did not win the victim sweepstakes in that marriage. PERFECT. Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? NOT AT ALL acceptable in the eyes of pretty much everyone. She allows grief but only briefly. Women were not allowed to practice medicine at that time and her father clearly disapproves, particularly as she grows more skilled and knowledgable than him. Bontemps: For you, Sire. Shine on Bontemps, you unsubtle diamond, you. ? Brilliant. Philippe was the one in strident dissent! Louis paranoia about his little brother is completely unfounded. When you see Fabien going to find the missing Charlotte, you see him visualising the scenario he holds up his hand, points his fingers in the shape of a gun to see how the angle would project. The best visual of the whole episode. Now, seeing as sister-in-law wasnt even a thing then, this would be like actually shagging your sister. I know times and attitudes were different then, but a person violated still feels violated, whether they are allowed to acknowledge it or not. IDK??? *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the audio or footage included in this. Thatd do it. the kiss between the Chevalier and Philippe happens after the war, after Philippe has seen Louis bring Henriette to the front. Did not see this one coming! The Mysterious Death of Henriette, Duchesse d'Orlans Henriette wanted to go!). And Marchal sees this too, his eyes flicking down to focus on them, then showing us aflashback of the dying girl, Charlotte de Parthanay, whom he held in his arms in Episode Three, where she says she saw angels. Rumourwent that he sent the poison to Effiat in retaliation for Henriette having him banished. Another possibility is that Henriette suffered from anorexia nervosa, which is often characterised by increasing frailty and hyperactivity; the summer of 1670 had been particularly hot and Henriette would swim in the river; unable to sleep, she walked in the gardens at night. Anyways, he says: we cannot be seen together anymore. Her mother (a french princess) is dead, and shes alone, probably the only English in the palace. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. Yep. I first read your reviews right after watching the entire series and then again after recently rewatching all 30 ep again. I can see where the series cliffhanger is heading, besides the obvious unmasking of Rohan as a traitor. Anyway, back to the story. The mortality rate was very high, thats why people had so many children so often. More of an extreme sadness at his wifes pain. Claudine confirms: We have no choice. I just found out your site and I must congratulate you for your beautifully written reviews. It is so reflective of the dilemma she has created for herself.
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