The best place for that is the Bible. None of them were created. Baptism isnt a spiritual act. I have to die to show my faith! Now, that leads us to another question: why does anyone end up in Hell? Was Gods plan for me? Sometimes, things can be very confusing. Many churches are full of people who have never read the New Testament and learned what they say they believe. Nobody goes to Heaven without being reconciled to God. The main confusion that I see is that youre not convinced that the Father and Son and Spirit are all ONE GOD. Do his teachings shed light on difficult passages of Scripture, clearing up misunderstandings? You clearly have not studied the Scriptures on this topic. Were attracted to others, but love isnt an attraction or a feeling, and one cant fall INTO or OUT OF love. And if my Grandpa is in heaven. Consider for yourself the controversy over his books. Its okay for you and your grandparents to come to different conclusions, but its helpful to understand them. In the Catholic Church infants are baptized or sprinkled within a few weeks of their birth, but sometimes the ritual is not performed until they are six months old. Water baptism is a public ceremony where you declare your faith to your religious community, and has nothing to do with salvation. Thats silly. Ask! Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. You can find TONS of information on the interwebs about Christian apologetics. I tried to follow legalism until I was 26. Instead, God worked incredibly hard to let you know how much you mean to Him. Every Christian should be baptized. They think that God is no big deal, and that theyre as free to reject God as they are free to not eat salads, or bacon. His book love wins caused many people who were attending his church at the time he was pastoring mars hill to leave which probably led to his departure on 2012 after pastoring the church he found in 1999. If you have vomiting along with diarrhea, you lose even more fluids and minerals. 4) How will I be sure, I dont go to Hell. We end up being obedient because were grateful, and because He helps us grow into the people we should be. We have to read all of the Bible with eyes from when it was written otherwise well misunderstand a TON. I agree, and I disagree. You might take this part of the conversation over to another page on this site, The Doctrine of the Trinity. After the judgment, THEN people will receive their eternal reward. Trust God. This is confirmed by Pope Pius IX, in "Quanto conficiamur moerore," August 10, 1863 (DS 2866) "God in His supreme goodness and clemency, by no means allows anyone to be punished with eternal punishments who does not have the guilt of voluntary fault." There are certainly earthly consequences for sinning addiction, disease, depression, broken relationships, imprisonment, and so on but going to Hell isnt one of those consequences. THAT IS CHURCH. I have been baptized in past lives and I know this from regressions, however I am afraid to get baptized in this lifetime and this fear resonates in my soul. God is compassionate. The trouble with your comment is that you leave out a whole bunch of other verses. Im not talking about simply having a new attitude, or changing your outlook. And god bless you. Barbara Tsipouras Translator at Saddleback Church Author has 3.1K answers and 1M answer views 5 y Related He had some, but He came to serve. The point is NOT to attend a church, but to BE the church. Acts 13:38-39, Therefore no one will be declared righteous in Gods sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. Hi i was searching and came across your site, i feel guilty because i am not baptized, i believe in God but i dont feel i havent an honest relationship with him, i get told so many things like what religion to join and if i dont do things a certain way i wont be saved, it starts to get really confusing and im not sure where to go or where to start. I saw your comments regarding baptism and you said baptism is not necessary to get to heavenbut its Jesus commandment for us to be baptised. Do Babies Go to Heaven? What the Bible Says About Unbaptized Infants However: if you do fit into that category, I have good news. Do me a favor, would you? God loves you so much that He would never steer you wrong. Ill give you my PayPal email. Find out what Jesus taught about how we should live its awesome. Wait until you are 100% certain, until your godly friends confirm for you that you seem to understand this situation properly, and until there are no more questions to answer. A good answer must start with a definition of sin. Maybe youre in a similar situation. 1. Theyll parrot what they learned in Sunday School (I recommend Sunday School) or what they heard on TV (I generally dont recommend TV), but they cant back it up with Gods Word. But I never been baptized and never really had the chance to. He guides us, helps us, trains us, and corrects us. =). We implore you on Christs behalf: Be reconciled to God., Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. Do you trust God? I acknowledge my Sins and pray to Jesus to forgive me, why do I have to be baptized in water. - Ian Nov 28, 2011 at 12:42 @Richard: Among others, this is the Catholic position on baptism. Ill use another passage to illustrate: If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. A real person, who is God become human. Youre writing to tell me Im wrong, but youre not arguing. You can pretend to not be arguing, but its better if you own it. Were just not sure it means what we once thought it meant. Thats all. Baptism is our participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus. They think Hes not a person, but a force or that Hes just the soul of Jesus or the soul of God. Do you not want to go to church because youd rather stay home and watch Netflix? Wow thank you SO MUCH for sharing your thoughts. Get married, and you can see what true love can be like. I mean, I could never bring myself to do that with another man. Jesus came to me in a dream and told me I am coming soon this was in 2015 sometime in February I am scared because when that comes my grandma believes in something else but not jesus but she is a really good person I do not want her to go to hell and I dont want to tell her what to believe in I really need help. As my knowledge was limited and I didnt have a community, I was also not aware of all my sins, so I didnt really change my lifestyle. He left out a crucial point, right? >> The thief on the cross was told he would be with him that day in paradise. He wasnt a Christian, by the wayHe was a Jehovahs Witness, which is an offshoot of Christianity that denies that Jesus is God. I wont be raptured, I will be raptured. I was angry with God for 5 years before I learned that I didnt really need to hear from Him personally. Because of this, it seems what you need is more information about whether Christianity is true. The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. That, he explained, is how we get suicide bombers: they are told to do it by their teacher. Ive just finished reading Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace. I personally know many (many, many) who thought for years that they were saved, only to find later that they had never really understood the gospel at all. "And that is when we can discover that . Please consider my words carefully. What were left with is a difficult idea to grasp, as theres nothing else in the universe like Him. God has taken the first step toward His rebellious children, right? Will you be going to Heaven when you die? Go instead to my brothers and tell them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. To a first-century Israeli mind, a private baptism is an oxymorontwo things that cant go together. Eating from that tree and apple when told not to has resulted in being thrown from the garden and people enduring Gods wrath throughout history. Theres something else on my mind. Baptism is just getting wetbut its getting wet in front of people to tell them you want to walk with them in faith. He makes us new, frees us from slavery to sin, and begins changing us from the inside out to be more like Him. Thats because we know what this life is like, but we dont know a lot about what the next life will be like. You cant, but youre welcome to try. >> If you are unsure on what to do and you are alive breathing by his grace persue truth and strive for righteousness. I prayed for guidance, and heard nothing and things didnt seem to go well. A friend, who was a missionary in Pakistan for many years, explained it to me. Theres no need for you to be afraid of God. What makes you think theres a Heaven at all? I have had two experiences in My Life Time , Once in a Pool of Water (I felt this awesome feeling go thur my Hand and through my Arm, I was a Feeling of total peace ! I will write simply and briefly, to try to be as clear as possible. Its not a prayer, its belief. We have been instructed, by Jesus Himself, to be baptized. Its a safety thing, especially for kids. Ive got good news for you, Shannon: youre already acceptable to God! Its that the Holy Spirit dwells in you, and its much more likely that you were being warned than that you were being tricked. Youre old enough to have grandchildrenIm confident that you can think of a number of times in your life where your feelings have been disconnected from reality. If not, youre not missing out. While the Bible teaches that homosexual activity is a sin, so are gluttony and pride and, as youve pointed out, fornication and a whole bunch of other things. I can now read what YOU write. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! This passage is a key one in understanding the distinctive doctrines of Mormonism. Let me share with you a passage from the Bible: This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. Whats the difference between a false teacher and someone who just has contradictory viewpoints of certain issues like homosexuality, transgenderism and etc. To see that your view of God is skewed, you only need to read the New Testament. It was that way for the Jews, and its that way for Christians. CAN God forgive you? Im not sure I agree with your opinion in this article either. Remind them that you want to be baptized because you want to be obedient to Jesus. When we read the Bible, we see that we are saved by Gods grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8), and thats it. You are born again. As you grow, God will help you to sin less and less. It sounds to me like you generally agree with what you know about Jesus, but youre unwilling to surrender to Him. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. How do I know? The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. If not, I want you to be my brother so let me know how I can help. Does that mean that a caring and good person would go to hell just for not being religious even if they never did any crimes against humanity or anything really bad? You should be buried like Jesus was not cremated fire after death? that was so rude what u just say that and who ever u say that too ; jesus is watching ?????? You could certainly get wet in home, in a private ceremony. Im happy to have been even a little bit helpful. Of course you dont. Jesus fulfilled Scripture when he was water baptized. Listen carefully. Will the baby go to heaven if it dies? I accepted His help when I was young, and continue to accept His help today. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. I started listening to a great many sermons and began meeting with a Biblical counselor. Have you trusted God with your life? Me too. If they needed money, they would even sell Torah scrolls to pay for it! That was your intent in seventh grade, and its your intent now. So what option do a gay guy have? Even if I have earphones on, they would want to hear what Im listening to. Its a matter of knowing we can never be good enough on our own. He said it to me, in fact. Tell Him that youre sorry for the bad things youve done, and ask Him to wash them away. You show wisdom here, and its nice to see it. Dr Mannix suggested that dying is just a state of unconsciousness - and if you've ever been unconscious, you'll know it was not scary. Well, thats only the beginning of the awesomeness! 3. Im very confused. In case anybody reading this wonders about what I just wrote, lets consider a real-life scenario. The first thing I want to say is that youre not alone. We all want to be loved, and accepted, and taken care of, and cherished, and valued. Internal organs function less as blood pressure drops. If baptism is required for salvation, then every explanation of salvation that does not mention baptism is at best incomplete, certainly insufficient, and possibly a lie from Satan himself. Thats a silly idea. To the ancients, however, a son was the same kind of person as the father. Its pretty awesome, I must say. Because this is true, it seems wise to not put it off. Your sins have already been forgiven. When youve given it some thought, Id love to have you leave a comment there. These strange circumstances seem to indicate that there are exceptions to the end-times timing of judgment. 1. I just didnt go today. Find meaningful work, and you can learn how valuable you are to the people around you. In the middle east, they understand what a disciple is. Like what is said wish? So Jesus WAS God robed in flesh, because there had to be a Blood sacrafice to reconcile us back to Him. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. When people ask me and they do Im not free to tell them whatever I want to. Lets say theyre wrong, and theyre being hypocritical and silly. If you dont have a community of faith, let me encourage you to find one. First, thanks for visiting. Augustine discusses this in one of his earliest works if one pays attention to his logic on the issue of what happens to unbaptized children: Not even the leaf of a tree is created without a purpose. Youre not hijacking anything, and Im here to try to help. Its a bitter sweet feeling. Heres something Paul of Tarsus wrote: As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Chapter and verse. When I read it, it seems pretty scary. Then Peter said, Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. My point is that if a Christian leader is going to teach Christians and non-Christians about Christianity, he should answer questions and clear up misconceptions and make trusting God easier. Well, then youll want to learn what this amazing life looks like. After becoming a Christian, you should be baptizedbut not being baptized does not make you not a Christian. One would presume that they were sent there by the Father, rather than being free to wander about on their own. This is the Life of a Lukewarm Christian that believes living a simple ordinary life will get them to Heaven without being Water Baptized, sadly my Parents with some of my Family and Friends fall in that category. A lot of people will read this, and I dont want my words to make understanding more difficult. Music is a combination of sounds and words, sung to a rhythm. Just as Adam and Eve had the option of sinning or not sinning, so Jesus had the option as well. And we know from verse 1 that the Word WAS God. Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body: Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. There are also great free Bible apps for your phone, if you have one. There were many years where I didnt have that confidence as well. I appreciate hearing from you. With all due respect to Gina, dont listen to her. Would you mind sharing the story about why you wanted to ask it? He doesnt love you because you know everything, or because you perform good deedsHe loves you because Hes a loving kind of person. I appreciate it. Have you been born again? It tells me that you want to go to Heaven, and that youre willing to find out how. The word disciple is MATHETES, which means learner or student. More than anything, we who follow Jesus should be students who never stop learning. Thats one of the hard things about life. Let me know what you think. What about the anointing? A lot of people with whom you would disagree have studied far more than you or I, so just reading and studying is no indication that youre right. >> If Jesus died for all our sins, then what is the limit of human sin?
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