The excavations uncovered what is to date the best preserved Rom. 3 The two Johns see more than a hint of what I am talking about in the destruction of the swine and it frightens them so they avoid a serious discussion. Reading the Word of God is wonderful. IV. A discussion occurred between Professor Huxley and Mr. Gladstone in "The Nineteenth Century" for 1892 as to the morality of the act, the critical questions being whether (1) Gerasenes were Jews; and (2) if so, was it lawful for them to keep swine? As well, every place the Master went on his travels was inside of the Land of Israel; he never went to Gentile territory. Matt 8:28). This, by the way, is the miracle story that happens in Gentile land. In Jesus first trip to that Gentile area: They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes (in Gadara). The Land of Israel is/was no place for two thousand pigs. And why werent they demanding compensation for their pigs? You may simultaneously update Amibroker, Metastock, Ninja Trader & MetaTrader 4 with MoneyMaker Software. Since demons are by most accounts fallen angels to begin with, they already know to Whom they are ultimately accountable. These pastors have added to Scripture that the God of the Old Testament is different in the New and taken away from it Mosess 613 commandments are now reduced to 2. Regrettably, what were about to study the, And he answers him, saying, My name is Legion because there are many of us. Also he begs Jesus many times that he'd not send them away, out of the. They sort of seek Him out. Yet they tried to throw one of their own off a cliff (, Now, if a Jew can be treated so badly by fellow Jews, lets put on our thinking caps and imagine what happens to a Jew walking straight into a big group of Gentiles. A wonderful verse that reveals Him to us and probably the most heartwarming is the commandment in the Torah that mother animals are allowed to stay with their newborns for at least seven days before the offspring can be taken for food or for sacrifice (, All of these commandments and more are still taken literally by many Jews today. One can only imagine the insanity the demoniac suffered at the hands of these evil forces. Israels real enemy is Satan. WebAll three Synoptic Gospels ( Mark 5:120; Luke 8:2639; Matthew 8:2834) mention the swine miracle, although with variations. It may well be a picture of the reverse of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Such a conclusion will annoy a lot of people, even funny, leaky dispensationalists like John MacArthur. I want you to see a person in the thrall of sin. The land of the Gerasenes was on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. JESUS DIDNT SEND THE DEMONS INTO THE DEEP; But now this is an extraordinary case. First of all theyre forgetting that Jesus Himself has already said that His Heavenly Father cares even about the sparrows that fall from their nests. The Bible doesnt say. This one verse alone, without all the extra proof from Jesuss joke, should convince us that his commandments are the 613 commandments of the Law of Moses. While foretelling death and doom was often, Fifth Fact: The True Author(s) of Scripture. Perhaps a tenth, or a quarter, or a half of the 613 commandments were fulfilled by Jesus, but not all. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. Accessed 4 Mar. These demons of the Gadarene Demoniac wanted to stay in this territory where worship of Baal was predominant. For one, Leviticus 22:28 forbids righteous farmers from killing a cow and its calf on the same day. That amazing phrase, all of you be holy for I am holy did not start with Peter (1 Peter 1:16), because the apostle is quoting Leviticus. Gods Law even has two commands that equate domestic livestock with wild animals. Now the big-mouth irking this Greek artisan was our good friend, the Apostle Paul. In turn, they would have a vehicle wherewith to stay in their territory. Racism: Not a modern invention . They belonged to God. That is why At the beginning of the gospel, he wins these victories with acts of visible, recognizable power. This means that these miracles are especially meant to teach believers something. This agrees with the general description of the site (Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26). War III. So he's drawing our attention to an extraordinary event, but the reason he's drawing our attention to that extraordinary event is because there are actually truths which transfer across the last 2,000 years, right to where we are today, that we are to learn out of this passage. Mark Driscoll also generated some chuckles when he callously said the death of the pigs created a bacon famine.. Therefore, were those cool-headed pig-farmers really Gentiles? Perhaps that is his point. After stilling the storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee, Jesus lands with his disciples on the eastern shore of the lake. "Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged [Jesus], saying, 'Send us to the pigs; let us enter them.' WebHealing of a Demoniac. Let's pray. Seven Forgotten Facts clarify our interpretation, One possible reason the Son of David chose the pigs was that he had, But this view is shocking because it places Gods Son on an equal footing with the unclean spirits and thus flies in the face of the normal presentation of Jesus in the Gospels. WebThe Gadarenes was the place where Jesus confronted a man whose possession by demons gave him a level of superhuman strength like Samson (Mark 5:3 - 5, Luke 8:27). Such alternative readings include arguments that the swine were meant to represent the Roman army or "unclean and unfaithful" people; that pigs were considered "unclean", so destroying them might be consistent with care for other animals; and that Jesus did not actually "send" the devils into the pigs. Sproul writes in his commentary Mark that the compassion of Jesus "drove Him to destroy the pigs for the sake of one human life. Apparently Gerasa was rebuilt by the Romans before the revolt began, prob. Yes, you read that right. The Gemara on the passage gives a historical foundation for the practise in the times of Aristobulus. Was it correct to destroy so many for just one (or two men). Mark 5 is truly very simple: being a righteous Jew, the Law commands Jesus to abhor pigs as food. ; Mark v.; Luke viii.) The following Scripture wont disprove Gods love for all animals, deny the Almightys unalterable character, declare the commandments null and void, nor claim all meats clean (kosher). We are pleased to launch our new product Money Maker Software for world's best charting softwares like AmiBroker, MetaStock, Ninja Trader & MetaTrader 4. Im wondering Reading the whole account in Acts 19:23 to 41, we see that it was not hard for the sore silversmith to drum up anti-Jewish anger in the crowd that day. and therefore the good pastor declares the demoniac to be a Gentile since, as everyone also knows, Gentiles are better tomb-dwellers.. Lord God, even as we sing this hymn, cause those who do not know Him to love Him and cause those who love Him to love Him more than anything else in this world. were the gerasenes WebThey came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. Ruins of the temple of Artemis, some columns still standing, are on another hillside above the ruins. 8:513) and the Syrophoenician woman whose daughter was possessed (Mark 7:2430), the Jews received the bulk of His attention, and He spent most of His time in the predominantly Jewish regions of Galilee and Judea. Luke is telling you here that Jesus is sovereign over everything. Without a doubt, its only and exactly the Creators negative view of swine that properly spells out to us why Jesus destroyed an entire herd of swine in Mark 5. One unambiguous (but hotly debated) verse that supports this doctrine is, If we agree Messiah wrote the Law of God, we should then wonder, (Please dont hide behind that sensational dispensational chart. Two thousand pigs together is quiet unimaginable. Before the war it was a Gentile settlement. Furthermore, the play-by-play presents no reason to be judged as a parable or an allegory. From the brook beside the road he will drink and for this reason, he will lift high his head. Also, any every person who wants to please God is forbidden the heartless act of boiling a calf in its mothers milk (Exodus 23:19; Exodus 34:26; Deuteronomy 14:21), as well as the abominable practice of cutting and eating the leg of a live animal, only to leave the poor creature hobbling around with its three remaining legs (Deuteronomy 12:23; explanation). Its architecture was of the Corinthian order, quite lavish and imposing, with columns from three to four ft. in diameter and about thirty ft. high. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of any other person, religious organization or governmental entity. Doesnt Pastor MacArthur know his Bible? Most Christians believe Messiah is the Second Person of the Trinity. about a.d. 65. In, David was a good example of what Jesus meant by , Sadly, our two good pastors seem oblivious to the fact that under the Law of Moses, animals have benefits too, and this fact should have bearing on any interpretation of Mark 5. It's in Luke chapter 8, verse 18. And because they did not hear Him, they lost even what they had. III. Two thousand pigs dead for one person to live is not an even tradeand that is the point. Therefore, even though folks from the Bishop of Hippo down to our two good California pastors have tried to persuade us that the Creator has shifted His views on pork, God did not, can not, and will not vary or alter or adjust any word spoken about any decision let alone His views on ham sandwiches. In other words, to paraphrase what Gertrude told Hamlet, Methinks the good pastor doth protest too much. He will judge the Gentiles, filling places with bodies. All of us may be so concerned with our own livelihoods that we fail to serve other people and help those in desperat This kind of inter-ethnic scenario normally spells d.i.s.a.s.t.e.r. We know that two thousand pigs go over the cliff. And not only that, he's about to be a witnessing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Them there pigs were trying to hog Jesus limelight! Ive heard that the apostles and Christ may have traveled to Spain. Not that I believe my case has holes. Its flesh you must not eat. You can bet your bottom drachma there is. Gergesa is located, with relative certainty, midway along the E bank of the Sea of Galilee; Gadara is six m. SE from the S end of the Sea of Galilee; and Gerasa is some thirty-five m. SE. His sermon should have given us some point, some excuse, or some logical explanation for it all. * If one believes demons exists, why invent a false story to make the point that Jesus has power over demons? Before a shattering, a mans heart is proud (Proverbs 18:12). 1. It's a picture of His great commission outreach, not just to Jews but to Gentiles also. It's all Gentile territory, so just bear that in mind. So why were these pig owners on the east side of the lake afraid? On the other hand, it is unfortunate that the rabbis today dont see the even stronger connection between Genesis 3:3 and Revelation 22:18, because Jews dont read the New Testament all that much. (For many a time it had seized him. In the three Synoptic Gospels and John 2:15, Jesus forces all the sellers out of the Temple courts. Those people were Jews in Nazareth. get to know the Bible better! By Your Holy Spirit, show us our need of grace. Look again at John 15:10. As a result, our biggest take-away lesson is to never take away from the Word of the Almighty.But dispensational-flavoured pastors ignore this and teach us that Moses and David and even Jesus lived by different rules. And wild animals are not forget because farmers in the Land of Israel are commanded in Exodus 23:11 to leave parts of their fields for food for wildlife. That's even more unexpected than not being angry because in Paul's case, it was the other way around. In the Book of Acts, Chapter Nineteen, we read about Demetrius, a Greek silver-statue maker, who was connecting a few dots of his own and had reasoned that a certain big-mouthed Jew was bad for business. WebThe terrified Gerasenes beseeching Jesus to leave them. Many will rush for cover behind the last four Greek words of this verse, despite all of its textual, translation and interpretation problems. Search the web and you will find many opinions about why the pigs died. Its a weird story, but its in the Gospels a couple of times, so we have to accept it as truth. And in Malachi 4:4, why did God say remember the Law of Moses if God had His own law? This verse alone puts an interesting twist on the oft-quoted man was not made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath was made for man because originally Scripture makes the point that the Sabbath is for man and mans animals. The first two are in the Authorized Version. It deeply disturbed Bertrand Russell that Jesus allowed a herd of two thousand pigs to be destroyed. To all of you who have been liberated from the captivity of your sin by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, receive God's blessing. Just like in the Garden, when God judged Adam, he didn't strike him directly, but the ground soil instead. My question is: I am but a man possessed by an innumerable host of demons. Therefore, as we have seen from the Deuteronomy and Revelation, and Jesuss own words, he was not allowed to adjust the Law of God and he had no intention of doing so. As to the second question, there is no doubt of the illegality, from a ritual point of view, of Jews keeping swine (B. Gentile (Please dont hold up Mark 7:19b, Jesus made all food clean. Relying on that isolated, half-verse with textual problems makes God look flippant, and therefore, unpredictable and untrustworthy. Maybe it was because they were unclean animals. That is, they appear contrary, except for one thing: Gods Law forbids righteous people from eating pork. All of these commandments and more are still taken literally by many Jews today. And then finally, and very, very sadly, I want you to see in contrast to him, the reaction of the majority of the people in his city and country to what Jesus has done. These pastors have, Look at the prophets; they also prove Scripture doesnt change. Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac Gadarene or Gergesene Demoniacs - Bible Hub Remember, Jesus took direct, extensive action against a significant group of Gentile pig farmers he didnt just say something bad against the pigs. Gods altar was also separate and distinct and holy. What pigs?? Despite all the dangers to himself, David wouldnt allow any to be hurt. Some of Jesus's reputation for being normally meek and merciful comes from statements like: From Jesus's own mouth, we are informed of Gods special love and attention for defenseless animals and we know Jesus has the same heart for the weak. Learn a new word every day. Now we see the missing puzzle piece: God had plainly prohibited pork as food, making it clear that holy people should not eat it , Overall, when it comes to any animal being selected for food or for sacrifice, God sees only two types. OS Supported: Windows 98SE, Windows Millenium, Windows XP (any edition), Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 (32 & 64 Bit). Next, what if our imaginary Jew damaged a ton of Gentile property under their very noses. This made them fit for consumption. Note: Demetrius was angry only because of speculation of what Pauls preaching might do to business Paul had not physically caused any damage. Ligon Duncan (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Edinburgh) is the Chancellor & CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary, the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, and the President of RTS Jackson. In retaliation for the massacre of the Jews at Caesarea, the Jews sent several raiding parties into the Gentile cities of the Decapolis. 4 ) As R. Sol Urbin Ohel Moed teaches us, Technically, the greek word for swine is choiros, which many people think means swine, but in the Akkadian, and so with the Syriac, it really refers to an indigenous type of little lamb owned by sea-faring peasants, suitable for pets, grazing, shishkabob and MLT (Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato) sandwiches., 3 ) Pigs?? 9 ) They were wild Ferrel hogs feeding near the cliffs. Seven Biblical facts await you that prove Jesus was obliged to love all creatures, except that a higher command forced him to partially judge the Jews who owned the two thousand poor pigs. WebThey land in the country of the Gadarenes which is on the North-east shore of the Sea of Galilee about 6 miles southeast across the sea from Capernaum. When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country. Also, Demetrius only needed to speak a few choice words against the Jew (compare with Act 19:34), to get the crowd all worked up the silversmith didnt have any real evidence that Pauls preaching was going to slow sales. Palmer Robertson was telling me not long after he had arrived in Africa to begin his ministry there he was taken to a nighttime fireside meeting with a witch doctor a man who was possessed of familiar spirits, who had extraordinary powers of strength, prediction, he was hired by people to put curses on other people and to put spells on other people. Its kinda like the difference between a Disney movie, a TV documentary and/or an infomercial; normally each is dissimilar from the other. Therefore, hiding behind a few vague statements like the pat answer verses listed here is not sound. He was Jewish and tragically lost. Why did Jesus mention Tyre and Sidon WebAll three Synoptic Gospels ( Mark 5:120; Luke 8:2639; Matthew 8:2834) mention the swine miracle, although with variations. Flower blossoms wither. to biblical Galilee, regarded, in opposition to Judaea, as a country of Gentiles (as in Matthew 4:15) What was Jairus occupation? Web(2) Ye know that ye were Gentiles.--Better (according to the weight of MSS. As out-of-place as the pig-assisted exorcism by the Lake of Galilee was, the awful event is actually recorded in three Gospels; in Matthew 8:2834, Mark 5:120 and Luke 8:2639. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. Doesn't Jesus Treat Animals as Property? In York, T.; Alexis-Baker, A.; Bekoff, M.; McLaren, B. Oh get you hence, Omnipotence, and take this foul of Thine. The Psalmist states that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills Because to me belong every beast of the wood, every herd on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10, and were assuming Jesus the Second Person of the triune God had equal rights to those hills and those cattle.). David ran after the lion that had grabbed his sheep and with just his staff, and his wits, he forced the lion to drop it. Gergesa - Wikipedia WebWell pretend with him that the folks in Gerasenes were placid Gentile farmers happily raising their gentle Gentile pigs. I dont see anything of that sort in the story. (Please dont hide behind that sensational dispensational chart. The power of the Lord Jesus Christ over Satan. Gadara For the sake of the argument, lets start by assuming that the pastors assumption is right and he is a Gentile (though we know he could have been Jewish). Although He encountered and ministered to Gentiles such as the centurion who had a paralyzed servant (Matt. For the moment, Jesus was just being ironic. Now do you see how silly the Jesus-kept-the-Law-perfectly statement is? The good pastor John MacArthur assumes in his video Dominating Powers, Part 2 (Mark 5:1-20), that Jesus must have been in Gentile territory because, as everyone knows, Jewish men and women dont hang around tombs even if they are demon possessed! Show us the only hope of deliverance from those sins and teach us these things from this passage. ___________________________________________________________________. Plus, when Jesus chased the sellers out of the Temple courts (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:12-19; Luke 19:45-48; John 12:13-16), there is a small, but wonderful, detail that is in complete harmony with Matthew 10:29. Those outside of the nation of Israel were considered gentiles. "It became one of the proudest cities of Syria." And the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea.". And they are no more capable of liberating themselves than this man was capable of liberating himself from this host of demons. He's a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ now. For you Tolkien fans it reminds me of a character in the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings. Even city officials who were Pauls friends were scared for Pauls life (Acts 19:31). ix. Since these events were supposedly witnessed by hundreds (and even thousands of people), it would have been very easy for 1st century critics to debunk it as non-historical. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before Him and said with a loud voice, What have You to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In the three Synoptic Gospels and, None of the verses below refute any of the. If Jesus had done anything less, he could not have been the Messiah. He's the friend of sinners. And what can we take away from the second part of the commandment not to take away from Gods Word? why do you think there were pigs there?]. Now we see the missing puzzle piece: God had plainly prohibited pork as food, making it clear that holy people should not eat it all of you be holy for I am holy (Leviticus 11:44-45) and therefore, Gods normally merciful Messiah destroyed an entire herd in total agreement with the commandment. But look at how many times God let it be known in the Law and in very certain terms eating pork was offensive. And the only real bargaining chip according to this interpretation was offering them the two thousand big pink chips. were the gerasenes What do you love? Where He goes, they show up and they say things to Him. Gadarenes - The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia - it depends on the text you read, but one of the four Greek words is sometimes neuter, sometimes masculine a big deal in this language and in this verse. Christ's journey into "the country of the Gerasenes" (Mark 5:1) was somewhat unusual. The Word of God cant change any more than God can. So did the demons surprise him? The prophet Jonah is held up as the merciless messenger of God; not a great title. He had a new name and he had a new nature to go along with it. Studying these Scripture passages show us that Jesus only ever walked in the land that God had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Israel and Moses. This picking and choosing is completely unbiblical. The entire herd ran straight off a cliff and drowned. Does he really believe Mark 5 is Biblical material just for laughs? But as for God, what reason did He give Mr. Merciless for not destroying Nineveh? She suffers a more oppressive slavery than ever before not to human rulers but to demons, who are bold enough to enter synagogues on the Sabbat. (This sad fact may have something to do with Christians telling Jews to junk the Law which they love and to just believe and receive.) Dictionaries Encyclopedias Lexicons. And it is a shame that the good pastors dont take these relevant Scripture passage into consideration. Is there a connection? noted the official establishment of Christianity and discontinuance of pagan worship in the 5th cent.
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