In early times, Sumerian temples were simple, one-room structures, sometimes built on elevated platforms. The minor god Damu also had the power to drive demons away, and had many a Sumerian poem written about him. Thor Who Are the Most Important Gods in the Norse Mythology Family Tree? [36] In later myth, her husband was the god Nergal. According to Sitchins writings, the technology and power of the Anunnaki is something our civilization cannot replicate even today in the 21st century. Have they changed since ancient times, or is history repeating itself? She was also a consort to Enki at some point, and had three children: Ninurta, Ashgi, and Panigingarra. Family tree of the Babylonian gods Part of a series on Ancient Mesopotamian religion Religions of the ancient Near East Anatolia Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia Babylonia Sumer Iranian Semitic Arabia Canaan Primordial beings Seven gods who decree Other major deities Minor deities Demigods and heroes Spirits and monsters Tales v t e Odin & Frigg 6. Then I started to get numbers thrown at me like crazy, so I started my research and down the rabbit hole I went for a year 10 hours a day until I had enough to prove Nibiru is coming. Early Sumerian cuneiform was used primarily as a record-keeping tool; it was not until the late Early Dynastic period that religious writings first became prevalent as temple praise hymns[5] and as a form of "incantation" called the nam-ub (prefix + "to cast"). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. the ruling class (or the "Gods and Goddesses" of the Sumerian Texts) Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree - Now thats fascinating since Lucifer tends to pit his generals against one another (ref. [14]:184 The gatekeeper of the underworld was the god Neti. I agreed to post the message Utu brought down to Earth, but said I want to put a note along with it to give the citizens of Earth (Ki) a heads up! sumerian gods family tree - J-Ousting The following is a family tree of gods and goddesses from Babylonian mythology. Enki and Enlil Epic of Creation Genesis Sumerian. The theories are many, Did you like this post? Other Sumerian and Akkadian deities adapted into the Hurrian pantheon include Ayas, the Hurrian counterpart to Ea; Shaushka, the Hurrian counterpart to Ishtar; and the goddess Ninlil,[41] whose mythos had been drastically expanded by the Babylonians. According to Sitchin's [17]:134[14]:184 Galla were a class of demons that were believed to reside in the underworld;[17]:85 their primary purpose appears to have been to drag unfortunate mortals back to Kur. Son of a sky god, Enki was thought to reign over the Earth and high heavens. Enki & Enlil - Annunaki .org Ancient sumerian stone carving with cuneiform scripting Statue of goddess Inanna, or Ishtar Statue of goddess Inanna, or Ishtar on white backgroung. The Oxford Companion to World Mythology. He is often depicted as a human lying on his . Gula was also known to be the goddess of dogs and other animals, and this is immortalized in depictions of her with a dog carved into a boundary stone dating from the period. He is the primordial deity of all other deities and various supernatural beings within Norse folklore., ( The god list An = Anum lists two sisters: d ama-TR-ma and d la-bar-TR-ma. Will the result of their visit to Ki be REAL peace and unity, or war and separation? I recently finished producing a three hour documentary on this very subject, Ill never forget when I asked christ to show me the secrets and low and behold he did. The Elohim let us create man in our image in Genesis One were not Lord God YHWH Elohim (our Heavenly Father). .. 3. To link to the original article click HERE. 1. VEDAS IS THE KEYFamily Trees of the Gods. [14]:178179 As a result of this, Sumerian deities began to lose their original associations with nature and became the patrons of various cities. His cult featured princesses as priestesses, who were given residence in a building called a Gipar. Enki: Creator of mankind. It shows you exactly what the Sumerians believed about their ancient gods and goddesses and how they're related to each other. She was known to accompany her favorite king in battle in the shape of the planet Venus, the morning star, or the evening star. The sun gods appearance was similar to those of other important deities of the region, with a knife and some rays of fire differentiating him from his peers. Priests were responsible for continuing the cultural and religious traditions of their city-state, and were viewed as mediators between humans and the cosmic and terrestrial forces. List of Mesopotamian deities Semitic gods References Armstrong, Karen (1993). Sumerian scholar Samuel Noah Kramer has also noted similarities between many Sumerian and Akkadian "proverbs" and the later Hebrew proverbs, many of which are featured in the Book of Proverbs. Is Fear of Freedom an Invitation for Fascism? Farrell Family Tree Check All Members List, President James Monroe Family Tree You Should Check It. Gulas cult center was Umma, but her popularity stretched to Adab, Nippur, Lagash, Uruk, and Ur. His other children, depending on the version of the myth, were Enki, Nikikurga, Nidaba, Baba, and even Inanna and Kumarbi. First, the Sumerians believed that a single heaven and earth were formed by a primordial sea. [14]:184[17]:86 Ereshkigal's sukkal, or messenger, was the god Namtar. Author In her astral aspect, Inana/Itar is the planet Venus, the morning and the evening star. SAM is near. Let a.A.Mi. [3]:34. Researcher. by Ivan Petricevic Now you know who that is. 1. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Read More. Save the information quickly. Stonehenge. He was one of the rare unilaterally good gods who oversaw the maintaining of law and order in the land, and he was said to protect what was good and banish evil. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order And they intend to SLAUGHTER mankind behind the scenes while they masquerade as our saviors (fake Jesuses). For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Family tree of the Babylonian gods . These entities gave birth to An, the god of the sky which doubled as heaven, and Ki, who represented the Earth. Enki, the Sumerian god of water, knowledge, crafts, magic and incantations, was credited with the creation of mankind, and was also regarded as its protector. Change). Their order of importance and the relationships between the deities has been examined during the study of cuneiform tablets. or one soul playing all the roles.. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. pseudoscientific portals. Loki 5. Enki, a god known for his inherent worth, represented healing, fertility, and creation in Sumerian culture. Unique to Sumerian religion is the fact that there is an absolute inferiority of men to gods. 02 Mar 2023 11:46:12 According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunna or Anunnaki were, Enlil separated heaven from earth and claimed the earth as his domain. In the Sumerian city-states, temple complexes originally were small, elevated one-room structures. 2 "strong delusion" and "lie" information see the SUMERIAN gods FAMILY TREE here. Apollo And Artemis. The Sumerians believed that the universe had come into being through a series of cosmic births. Inana (Sumerian)/Itar (Akkadian) is among the most important deities and the most important goddess in the Mesopotamian pantheon. The only consistent aspect of any visual portrayals is his symbol, which was a horned cap. Enki's wife, Ninhursag, is one of the oldest and most important of Sumerian gods and goddesses. God Bless You in your search for the truth through the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT. An and Ki then proceeded to mate, and birthed Enlil. Deities were almost always depicted wearing horned caps, consisting of up to seven superimposed pairs of ox-horns. For additional information on this 2 Thess. Sumerian Family Tree . As the patron god of the city of Eridu, Enkis job was to imbue the ruler of the land with knowledge, skill, and intelligence. View all posts by Luis T. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There was also no cult formed to worship her, and it is said that she is the same entity as the goddesses Ninmah, Ninhursag, and Nintu, among others. I have had two long correspondences with Utu so far, and I know that this is the real deal. she was also Aphrodite to the Greeks. An was said to be both the brother and husband of Ki, the goddess of the Earth, and was at some points considered the de facto father of all creation. Enlils importance was immense as he was said to be the being that granted kingship to kings, and the force behind most of the aspects of the universe. The god An was the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon. The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of The god of heaven or the sky, he was also the patron god of the city of Uruk. following three (picture below) is a family tree more inclined to It is said that Enlil himself betrothed the two divine beings. Im very confused about your reaction to the Wes Penre message from the Annunaki King. However, he was far from being autonomous, as his actions were almost entirely dictated by Enlil, with Enki being something of an agent of execution. [17]:151,157158 Accounts of her parentage vary;[17]:108 in most myths, she is usually presented as the daughter of Nanna and Ningal,[30]:ixxi,xvi but, in other stories, she is the daughter of Enki or An along with an unknown mother. Towards the end of Sumerian civilization, these temples developed into zigguratstall, pyramidal structures with sanctuaries at the tops. They did NOT create Adam and Eve or their bloodline offspring. Anshar and Kishar, in turn, were the parents of Anu (An), the supreme heaven god. SAM will be red in color. [17]:75 He was the patron and creator of humanity[17]:75 and the sponsor of human culture. Enkis primary consort was Ki, but in this case she was always referred to as Ninhursag. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a temple in his honor, called Esagila.The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, Anunnaki, arose in 1964, after the publication of the book Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, by Adolph Leo Oppenheim, who popularized this concept which was taken by different blogs and characters from the esoteric world and pseudoscientific portals.Author Zecharia Sitchin published a dozen books known as The Earth Chronicles from the 1970s where he described in great detail the Anunnaki.In his Books, Sitchin offered translated ancient Sumerian clay tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that describes the Anunnaki.In the book the 12th Planet, Sitchin tells the arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called Nibiru about 450,000 years ago: tall beings about 3 meters in height with white skin, long hair and beard, who would have settled in Mesopotamia and that, by genetic engineering, accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens contributing their own genetics, for the need of slave workers. One version of the myth states that when Enlil proposed the idea of creating humans to Nammu, she told him that she could make such beings with the help of Enki who was also her son. Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree - ThemeLower Re: Anunnaki Family Tree. Together with An, she created a portion of the vegetation of the planet and also gave birth to Enlil and the other gods collectively known as the Annunaki. The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Nephilim, Anunnaki - Royal Bloodline - Creators "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" The Sumerian King List allegedly recorded all the rulers of Earth over 400,000 years who were said to be gods, demigods, or immortals . The Hurrians adopted the Akkadian god Anu into their pantheon sometime no later than 1200 BC. phenomenon at global scale, The strategy of keeping secret the ET existence. [14]:179181 Powerful deities such as Enki and Inanna became seen as receiving their power from the chief god Enlil. earth and assigned them tasks. Inhabited by demons, gods, and the dead, it was ruled by the goddess of death and gloom Ereshkigal. Ki - The Earth goddess Named after the Earth itself, Ki was a direct descendent of Nammu. greek roman gods tree ancient mythology visit goddesses names goddess rome. Orwellian Nazi Airport Screening w DHS Disinformation Board Secretary, The DHS Disinformation Board the 21st Century Gestapo, Scott Ritter and Alex Thomson Insider Intelligence Interview, Ukraine War How God Uses Dark Times to Save Souls, The below Sumerian god Family Tree web site has blocked access from the Tribulation-Now web servers. Make sure you are not left behind because they intend to slaughter mankind. Hanuman 5. Early on, there were two completely unrelated language families: the Sumerian language family and the East Semitic language family. Thank you for visiting anunnaki family tree page. All history is NOT correct in every detail. In Sumerian Mythology the Anunnaki were a pantheon of good and evil gods and goddesses (duality) who came to Earth to create the human race. Later, without having established a clear motive for this change, PS: theres a line at the end of the message that is not included above . Misinformation from that Aug.17th 2011 short video of him saying about the Military knew this. An, Ki, Enlil, and Enki were the most prominent Sumerian gods and goddesses, although there were more than 3,000 of them. Theres a reason why Jesus said to look up our redemption draws nigh. Before the beginning of kingship in Sumer, the city-states were effectively ruled by theocratic priests and religious officials. Nammu was a goddess representing the primeval waters (Engur), who gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first deities; while she is rarely attested as an object of cult, she likely played a central role in the early cosmogony of Eridu, and in later periods continued to appear in texts related to exorcisms. The gods of Assyria and Babylonia, rather than displacing those of Sumer and Akkad, were gradually assimilated into the older system. He was the father of Utu and one of the patron deities of Ur. [17]:75 His most important cult center was the E-abzu temple in the city of Eridu. Some remained virtually the same until later Babylonian and Assyrian rule. Thank you for visiting sumerian family tree page. Scholars of comparative mythology have noticed parallels between the stories of the ancient Sumerians and those recorded later in the early parts of the Hebrew Bible. That being said, the Sumerian gods are indeed returning (from the dog star Sirius, e.g. among the most important of the many mesopotamian gods were anu, the god of heaven; enki, the god of water; and enlil, the "lord of the air," or the wind god. Niberou people came to earth as I have understood was Summeria now known as IRAQ (is that the real reason why IRAQ was invaded? Lets see how this pans out and lets go from there. I have just realised the truth, and everything we have been taught are lies. In his Books, Sitchin offered translated ancient Sumerian clay for them, until they rebelled and refused to continue working. Maybe one day we can unite with the a.A.Mi. [14]:184 Nanna was god of the moon and of wisdom. Pin It. Our Father, whoart in Heaven did. The Sumerian texts also describe the Epic of Creation (of which Genesis is a condensed version), as well as a continuing semi-sibling rivalry between Enki and Enlil , their offspring, and those [14]:179180 People began to view the gods as living in a feudal society with class structure. [43]:133135. The governments (the Global Elite) are only using us because they think were fearful and stupid. In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. She was referred to as the patroness of doctors, and was said to be in possession of medical equipment such as scalpels, herbal medicine, and bandages. Beware of fraudulent claims to legitimate blessed Abrahamic bloodline relatives. Joe. Matt 19:21 To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: James Hardy, "The 10 Most Important Sumerian Gods", History Cooperative, April 22, 2022, 2023 - YogaEsoteric. p. 415. The major deities in the Sumerian pantheon included An, the god of the heavens, Enlil, the god of wind and storm, Enki, the god of water and human culture, Ninhursag, the goddess of fertility and the earth, Utu, the god of the sun and justice, and his father Nanna, the god of the moon. Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like gods ruled over Earth. . .. the tasks that the minor gods had abandoned and through cult would tree osiris anubis slideshare. Here it is. There was no fair system of karmic give-and-take as there appeared in later religions the average Mesopotamian god could grant a difficult wish or take a life as they pleased, even if the person in question had been a devout worshiper and a good human being. Heimdal 5. deities? His intelligent magic often included trickery to benefit the good of the human race.
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