There will be some complex projects and you need to be very careful at work. You will be getting more contacts, but you should trust anyone blindly, especially when you met them for the first time. Ketu moving through the 6th house allows you to focus better on physical well-being. 2022 : 12 ? You might have to strive more than usual for satisfactory gains in business. of RAHU & KETU on Taurus for Sept 2020-March 2022-Nov 2023 Your partner might pick up silly or petty fights. Rahu-Ketu Transit: Part 1 (Sep 2020 - Mar 2022) - The Vedic Vision Children and youngsters in the family will have more needs. Stay away from unhappy talks as it can ruin your peace and happiness. With the good blend of self-motivation and sense of diplomacy, you can emerge a better version from this transit. Outwardly, this transit of Rahu to Aries is believed to be negative, but the results greatly vary based on every horoscope. Your health looks average. Read More. The seventh house represents enemies, wars, battles, open warfare, foreign secret agents. As for Gemini Moon sign people this transit of Rahu-Ketu 2020-2022, is going to occur from 12-6 houses, this transit is going to bring sudden expenditures, disturbed sleep and sudden waking in the night if at any bad planet is placed in the natal chart of the native. Transit In Astrology - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM Within this context, following dates become important: This transit is very important in relation to our country as Taurus is the lagna to Indias Independence chart where Rahu is posited. In some extreme cases, it could be reversed, your spouse or love partner might leave you in lurch. Issues related to vehicle; property can pop up hence take care. People born with Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces are the most benifited from this transit. Rahu is transiting to the first house and Ketu to the seventh house for Aries natives. Family matters also will be very important. Keep a silver coin in your wallet or purse to enhance your financial status in this phase. Thank you for the detailed analysis and explanation of Rahu Ketu transit. Upcoming Transits, - , Bihar State Government 2022-2025 (English), Maharashtra Government | Oath Taking Chart Analysis (June 30th, 2022), Upcoming Twin Eclipses An Analysis The Vedic Vision Blog, Efficacy of Muhurta Fall of Maharashtra Government, Hindu Muslim riots in Calcutta, India's independence, Massacre and migration in Punjab, India's most powerful sea cyclone in Rameshwaram killed 2000 people, Indo-Pak War, Dhanbad coal mine disaster, Death of incumbent Prime Minister Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, Operation Blue Star, assassination of incumbent Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Delhi Sikh riots, Rahu enters Taurus on the September 19th, 2020 and leaves it on the March 17th, 2022. Whenever this area is triggered, there will be some issues like diabetes, constipation, and other lifestyle diseases. Rahu in the 9th house affects paternal relationships, ancestors, luck, and long-distance travels. Rahu Ketu transit 2020 Sep to 2022 March - Astro Insights This transit of Rahu also brings financial stability. Planet Rahu, after Saturn, is one of the slow-moving planets in Vedic astrology. There will be frequent communication with people from foreign lands. According to the Thirukanitha Panchangam, Rahu transit to Taurus and Ketu transit to Scorpio on September 23rd, 2020. Salaried people can finally commence their entrepreneurial pursuits with the blessings from Rahu. Rahu in Ashwini drives innovation and creative ideas. According to Vedic Astrology,Rahu and Ketu Transit At 08:20 a.m. on 23rd September 2020.From the beginning of the year, Rahu will be transit in Mithunam to Rishapam. This is a two-part post. You will be having some problems with your publishers or authors. Rahu will move from Rishaba Rasi (Taurus) to Mesha Rasi (Aries) while Ketu will move from to Vrischika Rasi (Scorpio) to Thula Rasi (Libra)and stay there until Nov 1, 2022 11:01 PM IST This is a very crucial transit for you as Rahu will be rightly on your first house of personal life, health, wealth, and determination. Your inlaws will have significant changes in their life too. It is advised to meditate, exercise and practice Pranayama to get through this phase. According to the Vakiya Panchangam, Rahu transit to Taurus and Ketu transit to Scorpio on September 1st, 2020. There will be a lot of work using your technical skills. Projects from the charity and healing domain also will come up. If these houses coincide with the countrys 2nd and 8th houses then the effect will be more pronounced. Rahu is going to be in the sign of Taurus until March 2022. Worship Lord Narasimha and visit Narasimha temples on Tuesdays. Rahu will be transiting the 9th House and Ketu to the 3rd House from your moon sign Leo on April 12, 2022. You will spend good time with your spouse and children. Libra natives must take care of their physical and mental health. This is actually the transit which is not considered good in general but in actual practice it is seen to give mixed results. Date - April 12, 2022. Death of secret enemies, agreement, alliances, marriages, and divorces. So it is these 4 that make or break your life - in the following revelations, I would walk you all through the positive developments that can take place in your life as well as negative developments that can affect your mental peace. Entrepreneurs are advised to stay away from unfair means or shortcuts to achieve success or instant popularity. It is strictly advised to stay away from intoxicants or addictive habits. For any complaints or feedback about Vedic Astrology Lessons and content in our website, Please write to us at Some natives may go through the demise of team members, business partners or a sincere, trusted employee. Rahu-Ketu Transit 2023 In Aries and Libra Sign Planet Rahu and Ketu are transiting in the sign of Aries and Libra respectively and will change their signs on October 30, 2023, Monday at 01:33 PM. Rahu and Ketu will be in the first and seventh house for Aries. Rahu will be aspected by Saturn from 29th Apr to 12th Jul 2022 and will again come under Saturn's aspect from 17th Jan to Nov 2023. Rahu will enter the cardinal sign Aries Zodiac Sign on April 12, 2022 at 10:35 AM from the sign of Taurus. Bitterness will increase. This will make your life more into a spiritual note. Ketu transit to the 11th house will aid in gaining a powerful support system from your family, leaders, and peers. Though these natives will feel inclined towards spirituality and god and many may have inclination towards negative side of tantra, occult if other factors in chart are supporting. They can be complex, so dont just jump into any kind of business deals with your landed property. Business partnerships will face sudden surge in money inflow and business deals. Nonetheless, some issues related to health will trouble these natives, health of these natives mother may be fluctuating and peace at heart may be disturbed due to family or property reasons. At work, you will have issues regarding your power and authority. Few drops of Amrita have gone into his mouth of Swarabhanu (Asuran), and hence Swarabhanu acquired immortality. It is only when the luminaries (the Sun and the Moon) reach them, can we observe their existence as an eclipse (shadow). Rahu and Ketu transit dates from 2020 till 2100 /mean node calculation/. However, Rahu will aspect the 5th house of children and past birth credits and that can be a challenging time. That doesnt mean you will be struggling throughout this transit. Secret affairs can drag you to defamation or cause irreparable damage to your marital life. Feed stray dogs, especially black colored ones. Regardless of frequent moments of confusion and dilemma, you will find a chance to straighten things. 21, 2022 according to the temple almanac Vaikkya Panchagam), and create significant changes in your life. You will be happy signing new clients or marketing ideas on digital platforms. Professionally, you might have to work very hard to achieve a little success or even for simple tasks. Rahu in the 4th house influences the aspects of family especially mother, domestic peace, comforts, immovable assets like real estate. This is the good transit to have for any Moon sign. Rahu Ketu Peyarchi 2020 - 2022 | Tamil Brahmins Community Jupiter Turns Direct In Pisces On November 23. Scorpio Moonsign students will show keen interest in learning divine arts and exploring these subjects in-depth. The shadow planets Rahu and Ketu are displaced. There will be some higher studies or skill development programs. Below we analyse in detail the identity of Rahu-Ketu, the impact of the transit, and guidelines during the period. There will be more focus on your health and you will take up new medication. Long and short trips will be coming up. Sudden expenses will come up and you can get stressed out. There are chances for issues in marital life due to your busy schedule. This transit, you must consciously dedicate time for your mother and attend to her needs. Long pending promotions, hikes, and job change will happen in this transit. Native will be spiritually inclined and tends to visit any holy/sacred place. You may also see the demise or downfall of some of the major personalities across the world. In general, this transit you must avoid deceptive thoughts, complicating legal matters, and splurge on unwanted items. Overall it will good period from transit point of view to Leo natives. They will be successful in signing more people onto the board. That will put you into trouble. They will remain here till 12th Apr 2022. Donate rice to differently abled people on Tuesdays. For sustaining business opportunities, it is advised to revive old contacts and align with transparency with your business partners and sponsors. Time - 10:36 AM. Rahu will transit to Aries sign and Ketu to Libra sign on April 12, 2022 and will be posited in these signs for a period of 18 months, until 30th October 2023. No votes so far! Youngsters in your family will be more demanding and you will have to spend more time with them. Swathi, as Rahus own nakshatra makes Ketu uncomfortable during its movement to this constellation in particular. Rahu will make you work in a technology-related domain as well. There will be a lot of effort and hard work from you. Ketu in the 3rd house impacts younger siblings, style of communication, and bravery. Ketus movement to Venus-ruled Libra Moonsign, sets a balance in material and spiritual pursuits. You will become self-obsessed and there is nothing wrong with being like that at times. Rahu (Sanskrit: ) is one of the nine significant celestial bodies (navagraha) in Indian manuscripts.Rahu is recognized as a shadow entity unlike the other eight planets, one that causes eclipses and recognizes as the king of meteors.. Rahu is regarded as the factor planet for strength . This transit will bring a lot of changes in your entire life. Native will having increased wealth and pleasure , those who are in job/service they can even find good job in big organization, debts will be reduced and pending loans will be met and overall it is good transit them to have and native will fell happiness prevailing but on the flip side natives should stay cautious from accidents and excess expenditure. Rate it and let us know! People associated with the divine arts like Astrology occult sciences, and Tarot will gain popularity and more clients in their occupation. Rahu transits to Mesha. The 11th house represents monetary benefits, income through profession, smooth cordial relationship with elder siblings and friends. Sep 22, 2020: Apr 12, 2022: Aries (Mesha) Libra (Tula) Apr 12 . You will have a lot of short projects and they can be very complex as well. Emotionally, you may feel lonely or dull due to Ketu. 2022 - .. | 2022 rahu ketu peyarchi palangal rishbam Save the vikatan web app to Home Screen tap on Rahu will be transiting the 11th House and Ketu will be transiting to the 5th house from the moon sign Gemini on 12th April, 2022. Financial prospects of this transit look good for Gemini natives. Entry into politics and contesting local elections will give victory. Will Imran Khan continue as PM of Pakistan ? It may also lead to defamation at your workplace. April 12, 2022, Tuesday at 01:05 AM. Some of business competitors or hidden enemies may conspire against sponsors or at the workplace. It is advised to stay in cordial relationships with your relatives and laborers as you might rely on them for funding or expanding your new business. Your health also will be very important. It takes 1.5 years to transit from one sign and it transits in a retrograde motion. Relationships with father or younger siblings may cause conflicts, be sensitive to their concerns and resolve your arguments in a polite way. Even if you have to do some of such deals, then you should cross-check all the possibilities. Light a lamp with sesame oil to Navagraha sannidhi at a temple. While these two were in Gemini-Sagittarius, Rahu-Ketu Transit 2023 In Aries And Libra Sign - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM Rahu Ketu Bhagavan, who can travel in one zodiac sign for a year and a half, will travel in the zodiac sign of Taurus and Scorpio respectively until the 7th May 2022. Rahu is considered a shadow planet in Vedic astrology, but its effect can be seen . However, family life can be slightly dull due to the aspect of Ketu. This transit results can test your patience and faith in God. In the same way, Ketu will enter the sign of Libra on April 12, 2022 at 10:35 AM from the sign of Scorpio. Rahu Ketu Transit 2022 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs It is advised to consciously devote time for your family, especially with your mother. As Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion, thus these two planets moves back from their current sign. There will be a lot of multitasking during this phase and you will even start your own ventures. This transit can impact emotional health which can effect the physical health and frustration and unhappiness may be felt if bad dasha is also running the natives. Ketu in this house of hidden enemies turns even closest friends into rivals. The constant exploration and seeking led us to this path creating a virtual awareness for astrological techniques, thereby enhancing your well-being and sculpting your future! Harmonious relationship with your mother and her blessings will add more value during this transit. Career-related studies, and projects from mass communications are also possible. Taurus is Rahu's exalted sign and Scorpio is co-ruled by Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are the other important grahas, which transit is extremely significant. If yes what will be the effects. There will be detachment from them for various issues. At the same time, if the Sun in your chart is well placed, your father might enjoy beneficial results, rise to power, and taste social success from this transit through you. You will try to put some new steps to revive your career. Some clandestine affairs might test your fidelity. Overall, while there may be turbulence, in the long run it will sail the world in the right direction. Your popularity is about to increase multifold times, like all your posts in social media will attract attention or grab likes. Pray to lord Rudra and Lord Bhairav sincerely.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'jupiterspeaks_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_21',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); For Pisces Moon sign, this transit will be occurring through 3-9 houses, which is a good transit as far as Rahu-Ketu is considered. Rahu in the second house enables chances of good money through family inheritance, assets, and even unhindered moral support from family. Though material comfort and wealth will be stable, emotional wealth should be prioritized. If your business relies on speculative gains, then make thorough analysis before making big decisions. You should devote time to your family, keep track of every penny spent and deepen your spirituality and sense of intuition to make the best from this transit. RAHU KETU TRANSIT 2020 -2022: Predictions for all Signs by Shri Dilip AND. Rahu will make you very aggressive, which may bring problems with your lover or partner. Facing financial problems? Ketus movement to your 2nd house may result in exceedingly high expenses. These native will also feel interested in higher learning, meditation, spirituality in this transit. It can be personal or professional relationships. Did you like the post? Rahu moving through the fifth house can tempt you to risk the hard-earned money. There could be intermittent losses, but sudden gains will compensate big time. Rahu Ketu Transit 2022 to 2024 Predictions For-Aries To - AstroSanhita This year, Rahu transits to Taurus (Vrishaba) and Ketu transits to Scorpio (Vruschika) on 23rd September 2020 at 7:38 AM and stays in these signs till 12th April 2022. The enemy will cause trouble. Next year. Health could be moderate. Rahu Transit Aries And Ketu Transit Libra On 12th April 2022 You might be interested in finding a new love interest. Effect of Rahu transit 2020 - Libra Sign Period of sudden fortunes. Rahu and Ketu will transit through the 1-7 axis of India's independence chart. Ensure you are complying with every moral and ethical policy at work. This is a good time to work with charity ventures as well. retrograde motion on 12th April at 1.40 pm while Ketu will enter Libra at its retrograde motion and will transit in this till the end of 2022. We would like discuss general impacts and effects of Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 2022 passing through Taurus & Scorpio respectively from 24thSept 2020 till 12th April, 2022 on all moon signs. Your mental and physical health will be very prominent. excess expenditure will bother and undue travelling mostly suddenly, fear of enemies or any fear/worries which will mostly apprehensive and unreal, lack of pleasure will be felt. These traits along with the selfish nature especially in relationships might cause hindrances in your love life.
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