Hi Amiann! He told me that he had been watching me sleep for 20 minutes before waking me up. *His mars opposites my mars (cancer/capricorn). His flaws make me want to care for and protect him all the more, in fact. xx. Neptune Trine Moon 125 67 Hence, it will not blow them away the way it would for someone like me who has none of these. Pluto sextile Neptun, Good and bad, Lynn but contention, yes lol, He wants to know everything! In that point of time I was going through a difficult relationship. When I was leaving the place, I had a terrible feeling.Something was telling me, Dont go. I had the feeling I was going to see him that day and felt an overwhelming fit of emotions the moment I saw him. Or does it say more about one person than the other? So our Moons form a trine even though the orb is wider. That being said, I dont think you will listen due to the Moon conj Pluto lol. This is the love of a mother for her breastfeeding baby and a love of a woman for her lover, in one. Thanks for posting it, LAP. Or is wide? Perhaps theres not much here, but to be honest, Im afraid to take on the job. I found this aspect very interesting and have been obessing about it all day. My Moon quintile his Moon My Moon/Pluto guy disappeared completely, before anything ever happened romantically/sexually, and before our friendship even deepened. Hm.InterestingOk. Moon/Pluto especially in hard aspect is weird lol. Thats for sure. This is super intense but it could get to be a power play thing due to the Sun/Pluto conjunction BUT so much looks incredible. Fear always about losing the other, about being alone with these intense feelings. In order to keep each other focused on the relationship, power struggles and manipulative tactics often surface. Also. * We both have Pluto (in libra) in our 8th house natal charts. Both Moon/Pluto and venus /Pluto are super powerful. Or do you tell them openly how you feel? Ive talked to other people with this synastry placement and they confirmed. On the other hand, he was incredibly manipulative over me. Not yet. He feels so familiar but mysterious to me. I am a bit afraid of too fast, too much Is it Neptune, is it Pluto, who knows. Thanks Ami, for answering. It represents the things we keep in the dark: secrets, traumas, and hurtful events in the past. I have Moon trine Pluto and Venus, Venus in 8th House and Venus Conjunct Pluto in our synastry. My Pluto at 22 Virgo trine his Moon at 20 Capricorn. Sorry I thought the whole thing was posted. :-/ So maybe the Neptune-Venus square is guilty for this between you? Since the Moon person is an emotional one and their Pluto is a chaotic one, expect that there will be extreme emotions high up in the air. Thank you very much for the description of the Moon/Pluto aspect and giving us the opportunity to briefly describe our experiences with this rare and never to be taken lightly aspect in synastry. If the Moons are good, this looks amazing, C! I was wondering if you can give your opinion on how this plays out particularly with Leo/Scorpio. I will look later tonight. Venus-Pluto: The Magnificent Obsession - The Astrology Place Sag moon That my Saturn is conjunct his Jupiter and Mercury? I don't know what it's like from his side, but I can say 100% that this is someone who I could give my honest soul to. Rising quincunx Moon 6.96 My Sun Mars conjunction lands in her 8th house and is exactly trine to her Scorpio Mars. While I have my Mars / Saturn / Pluto / Eros in Scorpio. He also looks like he could be related to me and there is much familiarity about him like I swear I know this man! I dont do that or need that, but for a really correct opinion beyond my few comments, I would need to look at the charts, my Friend xoxo, okay! Moon Conjunct Pluto Aspects Natal and Transit | Astrology.com During a rough period, I considered breaking away and finding someone else who makes me feel the same, but as you can imagine, not only could I not do it, but I felt I never would find anyone like him. The Pluto individual is going to pick up on this connection and their natural drive to change things is going to cause them to tamper with the Moon individuals internal world. Let me know . My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. I am a woman and I just posted a long text on how my male friend (and former housemate) and I have double-whammy Pluto trine Moon in synastry, among other important things, such as Sun/Moon conjunction, his Sun, my Moon, in Pisces. When square happens, expect that there is a repulsive force to solve the obstacle they are facing. BOTH Obsess. You evoke intense emotional responses from each other and if you want this relationship to be a long-lasting one, you will have to be very careful because a blowup in the relationship can be triggered by jealousy, acts of unkindness, or simply the unwillingness of either of you to change deeply ingrained habits that are offensive to each other. But I want him all, I want him like a mother has a child. Mercury quincunx Pluto 1.62 I am 13 years his senior and this is just way out of the ordinary for me. If we were the same age, I feel like we would be together in this lifetime, for our whole lives. Thank you! Suffice it to say that while there is a sincerely beautiful and torturous love and connection between us, he has a way of hurting me at times. We also have our moments of miscommunication (regarding emotions), and I absolutely attribute this in part to the Moon-Neptune opposition that my guy and I have. Dont ask about my heart I could hear it beat My Moon opposites his Pluto Ugh! The girl I have recently spoken with was pluto and she could attest to the obsession on her part. It seems pretty deep . Pluto conjunct Vertex 0.86 He told me that he constantly dream about me and Im pretty sure hes more obsessed towards me than I am with him excepts hes not saying it. Yes, one can tell what both people feel! but since its a moon/Pluto post, i guess we could stay on topic. Venus square Pluto is the most potent. Am I correct? This is crazy and I have never loved a man like this before. They are energetic forces, in the manner of magnets lol. Jupiter trine Venus 1.53 Ugh, sorry for so many questions! No major Nessus and Dejanira connections. Im so obsessed by himThis conjunction takes place in my 12th and his 4th. Pluto, as an astrological planet, has always been associated with magic, with dark, unexplored places, with deeper knowledge, esoteric, occult and alternative. We met while I was exercising doing my daily walk and we continued to run into each other until we stopped and talked. At first, this is going to feel like love at first sight and the best possible relationship. It is intense and feels like a whirlpool. Hi, Amian, Im sorry for the spelling, but Im using a translator, my english is bad! I hope this helps and I wish you best of luck, My Pluto sextile his Midheaven I ask him the same. his Venus in Taurus calms me down ) despite the fact that he has a tension between Taurus and Scorpio in the chart. Midheaven trine Vertex 1.92, Hes driving me insane and I think im driving him insane as well . 8th House natally. Put on the asteroids Nessus and Dejanira, too. Fast forward to the powerful new moon in Virgo a week or two ago. Required fields are marked *. I always felt our relationship was more special than others. Yes, each person feels it differently. I can tell my atraction is enormous and feel obsessed about him though. ^I really would like to hear your opinion on this (I am a capricorn stellium person ??). After 4 years working with my boss, I recognize the attraction and Im glad I know astrology or I would fall right into this abyss. Where each of the ten planets is positioned depends on your exact time of birth. I dont think you can alleviate these kind of energies, my Friend. Hmmm_ Moon/Pluto with children. The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. My Pluto is trine her Venus and opposite her Moon. It signifies our secrets and unconscious. It brings events to people that would turn their life upside down. No words to describe this. Espero ansiosamente respuestas! However, after a while, this emotional connection will become threadbare revealing the toxic qualities that have been driving it the entire time. I am so glad you are here and welcome! And I do want to tell him how I feel about him, but somehow I am still afraid I will lose him if I do. Your Moon represents your hidden side. You show it to an animal, a child, a lover and God. With the square, it would be more of a sexy fighting kind of feeling. That synastry is lovely! I was googling moon Pluto synastry and I came across your work. Also, and this is important, is there any planet unaspected to the chart of the other person? Im 100% positive he felt what was happening, too. Moon Opposite Pluto Synastry - Dream Astro Meanings !jaja..nos entenderemos mejor! And than three hours later its going like but really, this guy is so stupid, right? I am both, as we have a double whammy. He called me Nov 12 at 3:20am my birthday was Nov.11th. I wrote before about this, but I wanted to give an update On the downside, the Moon person is likely to feel controlled or manipulated by the Pluto person. My venus in his 12th house makes me feel lost and I often dont know how he feels about me. Pluto has a dangerous reputation in synastry. Mercury Sextile Saturn 015 90 XOXOXOXOXOXO. He (Pluto) scares me but its like Im the incapacitated space ship being sucked into the Death Stars tractor beam (Star Wars reference) and a little bit hopeful once Im on board it will be absolutely delightful. Pluto? As such, Moon-Pluto aspects in synastry are intense! I met a man 12yrs my senior and I feel as if I met my KING even thou we are total opposites I feel as if thats what keeps us interested in one another. Charles At the reunion he confessed to me that hed had a huge crush on me at school. My Sun is Cancer / His is Scorpio I know from experience how that one feels. Thank you:).Glad to know he feels it too.is this a rare aspect in synastry or is it pretty common?because I dont think I can ever feel the same or be obsessive about more than one person this wayits a crazy obsession,I sleep thinking of him,dream about him,wake up thinking about himI feel like this obsession will be my undoing.neither of us has confessed about being in love.Who is the initiator in this case? With the square, he may simmer with obsession but not be able to show it in a direct way.Is that the case, Lou? 24 hours a day I can only think of him. Check out theLove Relationship Compatibility Reportfor more insight! ps. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. And I will keep believing that our friendship will make it. I have moon trine pluto synastry with a guy I met 2years ago.Im the pluto person,he is the moon.I also have my pluto trine his venus.My venus conjunct his mars and my venus conjunct his sun.His sun,venus,mars falls in my 8th house.I have never felt such an obsessive desire for someone.When I first met him,I could not get him out of my mind for 18 days.I was thinking of him every single second.He moved to another country.We still chat on and off and the passion is mind blowing.We travel just to see each other.I feel I have a very strong karmic connection with him.Even if he does things I absolutely hate,I just choose to ignore it and want to believe he is a god.Does he feel the same for me?Or is this just an unrequited love?i also have my saturn sextile his sun. How long have you known him etc? He brings you confidence. We have his Chiron conjunct my Descendant, and his Jupiter conjunct my Ascendant. Uranus Square Saturn 224 -64 Saturn sextile Saturn 2.02 My Midheaven square his Moon. Sun conjunct Rising 4.49 A few squares make for passion and tension, so I would not think badly of this! Let`s say we are two different sides to one professional field. Venus Square Ascendant 137 -117 Synastry aspects: Sun/pluto. Very strange but real and comfortable and very trusting. - Potentially Problematic Synastry Aspects - Tumblr On the day the transiting moon conjuncts your natal Pluto, you may have your emotions deeply stirred by an intense encounter that brings deep rooted issues to the surface. My Pluto trine his Ascendant and my sun is square his pluto! Im convinced he was crying at that time. Moon/Pluto is super passionate and can be obsessed and feel fated. Moon-Neptune in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous. At the same time, I couldnt get him out of my mind. Theres so much LONGING. It is not changeable. P. of Fortune square Rising 0.34 They might often find themselves wondering why the Pluto individual cant give them more of this emotional fix that theyve been looking for. Tell me about it, please. The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. I am going through Pluto Trine Moon 3 (I am the Moon) and Pluto sextile Venus 0 (I am the Pluto here) Its so strange, strong and crazy, that I even start to belive in Astrology. I felt crazy because I thought I l. So I keep coming across your site in my search and I just have to say I absolutely love the information on here, and the way it is all expressed. 9. Requests: Array The Venus square Pluto attraction may be accompanied with brainwashing and manipulation as well as verbal and psychological abuse in worst case scenarios. I have a Libra Pluto square Capricorn Moon, so I have this with every single person in my Generation. The work situation is a bit of a barrier though for the time being. This attitude is why it is never advisable to hurt Moon people (generally, it is not advisable to hurt anyone). You have great strength in handling difficult situations. They will feel like they need each other, and their souls connect. Careful not to get to a Moon person's wrong side because they live by the saying I can forgive, but never forget.. How is it when you are together? :) will both feel the intensity of the relationship? It only shows you the possibility of the future. Mercury quincunx Venus 3.58 He never has to worry about me forgetting about him!!! He shows a lot of respect so do I And I know he fancies me but apart from that, no clues. Sorry, last question.. Maybe SOMETIMES in this aspect the moon softens pluto a little? Aldebaran and Betelgeus conj. We could say it represents one's dark side, in a way. How do natal aspects affect synastry if they appear in both? I do not know how to act I have to fight or I have to relax! If not resolved, it will lead to permanent separation between the couple. I am the moon but I am scorpio with venus in scorpio and pluto in 1st house and he is the pluto but he is cancer so I think is like DW (me moon but scorpio he pluto but cancer). Jupiter trine Sun 2.39 Do you have Nessus contacts too? My Venus squares his Pluto, His Venus sextiles my Pluto The trine is just heavenly! He has said all this when we were in a relationship and after our break up. I have to note we also have several other double whammys like double Mars Moon aspects(opposition and Trine) Double Venus Sun Aspects(Trine and Sextile) Double Vertex Aspects(each others Vertex on others ASC) Double Chiron Aspects(My Chiron on his Sun/His Exactly on my Moon) Double Asteroid Lilith conjunct Psyche both ways, AND his Venus is on my South Node. Yes, your Venus conj his IC is a very deep feeling of intimacy and as if you are close in such a way that it feels like family. I got the name tattooed in Hebrew. 8 degrees is valid for a Moon sextile and will show soul, Eric. Wow!!! The synastry sounds lovely. Is your Moon squareyour partner's Pluto or vice versa? The push-pull is driving me nuts. I feel more comfortable with someone who is a bit less deep than me. One more thing, I also caught my Pluto guy stalking me once! Now Im a widower and he came back into my life for a certain business deal we have sex when we meet and hes the one who Leads but I love that but hes so secretive! The composite is eye opening as well but best to just see how things develop. Pluto, on the other hand, is a cold and dark planet. We each have Sun square Pluto natally, I have Lilith tightly conjunct Midheaven and Pluto in 10th house. Taurus Jupiter Ever since I met this man I have shamefully been obsessed with him pretty much on a daily basis. I never felt like that in my life When your moon touches a person's Pluto, you join a club of a few. The words resonate for my entire being. But the thought of this guy is still haunting me. YES yes yes about the trine. In a Venus square Pluto synastry, which one is more obsessive in Hello and thank you so much for replying, it really means everything to me. Our Moons sextile and his Sun conjuncts my Moon and my Sun trines his Moon and our Suns, Venuss and Mars are opposite. With the negative aspect, the "Plutonian" personality can show jealousy and possessive tendencies toward the "Venusian" one, trying . I have them conj Venus and the Sun, respectively. Venus trine Saturn 1.99 As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. I feel this too, I like to play it cool and dont express my deep feelings to him! I have this with my business colleague. And the others youve spoken to with this placementdo you know if they are the Moon or the Pluto? This is a deep and personal connection that can be either good or unpleasant. Come on my Forum and you can bring this question( and any others) It is free and I would love to have you. Funny the difference between geocentric and draconic with the same aspect. I met a man in July and I have never felt this obsessed with anyone ever. Her venus in my Pluto square I see such goodness in his heart, and I want to nurture that and give him the love he deserves. Some pleasant some unpleasant. Im a Gemini sun, though, with a majority of Earth and then Water planets, and hes a Scorpio sun, with Scorpio in numerous of his personal planets and some Air and Earth. I just love him so much I have dreams about him and asking me not to leave me! I feel as if Im going crazy. I like questions Synastry: Moon - Pluto Aspects Between Two Charts - Cafe Astrology And when this happens, they tend to hold on to these painful experiences. The Pluto square Moon synastry aspect indicates that you both need to learn to curb your reactions. What are the Moon to Moon aspects. Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry - Emotional Drama & A Love-Hate Relationship When I start move on its like he feels it and knows exactly when to spy on me or contact me because he knows that all he has to do is make an appearance and everything comes crumbling for me. Also I read that in Pluto moon conjunction the Pluto person will scrutinize the moon person and wouldnt really be attracted or attached to the moon person. He has scorp asc, scorp moon, pisces venus, scorp pluto, moon conjunct pluto, mars square pluto in his natal! That close of an orb is almost exact. If individuals with a Moon Square Pluto synastry spend enough time together, sparks are going to fly. Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. He may take you places in the job like lift up your position or status. Your Sun conj his MC. My Jupiter sextile his Moon They can be pretty moody and can change moods easily. But how do I know whos the moon and whos the pluto? You and he will have a very intense relationship. Moon & Pluto in Synastry - YouTube Vivid, vivid dreams of each other. I see little to nothing written on this aspect in Synastry, composite or even natal. If you are interested in ordering a reading please. This is insanity. Mars opposition Chiron 0.42 My Mooon in Leo trine Venus in Sag values real love, and freedom Hi your description about moon/Pluto is very intense and deep. Partner's Pluto Conjunct/Square/Opposite Your Mars. We both have a religious/spiritual understanding. It is not the Moon inconjunct Pluto because that would not do this, per se. There will arise a lot of out-of-the-blue dramas which all stemmed from the past. Jupiter trine Neptune 0.24 I love this man with all my heart, but I can not go on with it anymore Im exhausted. In our relationships, the Moon represents your emotional needs. Astrologers view square as negative energy or omen. Hey! I didnt pick up because I was asleep. Unfortunately this has been the case for us, on his part at least. I have discovered that there is Eros/Amor/ several fixed stars around between 10 and 19 Libra. which you mentioned, Also in February when my due date was August 31 he told me that the babys due date is his birthday. This function compares the active chart to a file chart. I am going on the Forum to finish up the many people I have ignored in the last few days and so I will be free, hopefully, to look at new charts. I walked away thinking nothing, and then slowly I started thinking about him, and in no time I was thinking about him 24/7 Neptune Conjunction Venus 027 117 Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. What kind of a doctor gets sexual with his pregnant patient, says he wants to help her, drawn to her, liked her a lot, cant get enough of her, then disappears after the birth? We have things in common: love for music, for nature, for animals, for good food, respect for the environment. And moments when Ill think of him, hell write, or vice versa. We are very much in love, he out in the open with expressing affection which makes me feel uncomfortable, but Im adjusting. With this, the person whose planets are in the square can detect the inner challenges. I think this is actually the only a way I can have a lasting relationship with someone more or less my age. Thanks for this assessment, it helps to know that I cant really get away from him even if I tried despite being adamant about remaining single for the last 2 years and shooing off admirers left and right lol.. And the most interesting thing is I felt nothing until 2 weeks this was no love at first sight thing,, it just crept up out of nowhere I can see it is going to be quite the rollercoaster. We have 5 Moon aspects including this one in our synastry, do you think the moon having the most aspects in our synastry plays a big role in how deeply in love connected we feel to each other? GREAT post, Lovelost Thank you so much for your help,you are so welcoming.We also have a couple hard aspects.It is slightly complicated. I will be back tomorrow to talk a little more about them but they are very nice! With Fixed Stars, i think we allow a 2 degree orb, maybe 3 tops.It would be conj Saturn for you. My Saturn is trine his Pluto This is mega power. My Pluto quincunx his Sun Moon Trine Ascendant 105 98 But why come back and run again? Sometimes party together but there are at leas 3 colleagues and sometimes even 50. Thank you,we also have Venus sesquiquadrate pluto synastry .I have no idea what that means.His lilith square my venus as well. They can put themselves in another's shoes. My Venus trine his Sun (double whammy) We feel this TERRIBLY. , May be it is important to know that we have Sun/Moon conj. This would take someone studying the chart to answer well, my Friend, Your email address will not be published. Can the aspects that I placed above cause it? It is sweet torture. I cant focus, forget to eat, cant sleep. Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste Its only him I see. Like how Moon brings out emotions to Pluto, the Pluto could do the same to their Moon. Sounds like Chiron was at play there, too. My Sun trine his Venus (double whammy) but when I checked it at astro.com in their synastry chart it is 0. Your Pluto touching his ASC is strong. Libra moon My Jupiter trine his Sun (exact degree). The last time I saw him he had put on so mucb weight and looked like he was going through depression again, it has to do with me. What does Mars conjunct Pluto in synastry mean? - Quora Mercury trine Saturn 2.46 He likes me, but I dont know if he likes me in that way, because again, Im so much older. It's karmic, cathartic and sexually super-charged. Im the moon and Im familiar with the obsessive energy. Pluto conjunct Mars Then I lost him, he died suddenly. List the aspects and degrees, please. So it's like you have to keep this beautiful thing between you and your sweetie within your own magical little world. One must heed these things, I think, Friend. It is amazing synastry. I can too, but I question myself because I dont want to think that Im just going insane. Our names are even two famous star cross lovers and from the movie legends of the fall. Thank you one more time! Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Limit any unnecessary feelings and understand each other. Pluto square Mars No, don't get comfortable because these powerful emotions are not at all happy. I have since gone back to my husband to try and work things out (we have a child) but I cannot stop thinking about this man!
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