Black wool skirt with stripe. Weight 140. Burnt and unrecognizable. Brown hair. Male. Knife. Gold watch Breast-pin. Leather boots. Found in drift above Company's store. Red flannel underskirt. Many were connected through business and social links to Carnegie Steel. 1,600 homes were destroyed, $17million in property damage levied (approx. Cloak gray mixed wool goods. Blue and red stripe waist. Dark complexion Weight about 100. Johnstown was the eastern terminus of the Western Division Canal, supplied with water by Lake Conemaugh, the reservoir behind the dam. Weight about 200. Brown and white gingham apron, with collar. Had valuables. Pocket-book and buckeye. Brown hair. Two skirts of gray and black barred wool. Black dress. Female. Two black hair pins. Weight about sixty-five. Very heavy. Black and green striped skirt. Male. 81 cents in change. Age about twenty-six. Dark knee pants. Age about thirty. Blue waist. Fourteen years old. Boy. Weight 120. Blue calico dress, white flowers. Female. Button shoes. Button shoes with rubbers on. Male. Railroad street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold ear-drops with pearl setting in centre. In 2009, studies showed that the flood's flow rate through the narrow valley exceeded 420,000 cubic feet per second (12,000m3/s), comparable to the flow rate of the Mississippi River at its delta, which varies between 250,000 and 710,000cuft/s (7,000 and 20,000m3/s).[4]. Black alpaca dress White underskirt. Upper Prospect, June 17th. No valuables. Age thirty. Wore a sacque Blue stripe stockings. McD." Valuables given to brother Simon. Cambria City. Gray mixed undershirt Red flannel shirt. Brown and gray striped knee pants. Valuables taken by her sister, Mrs. Ella Mulhern. Blue calico waist with white dots. One old knife only. Female. Age nine. Age eight. Black basque. Male. Slate pencil and door key. Earrings. Weight about 105. Small heart on right arm. Buried Prospect, June 9th. Brown hair. Black hose. One watch and chain. Blue dress. Spring heel shoes Red flannel undershirt. However, owing to the delay at the stone arch, the flood waters gained renewed hydraulic head, resulting in a stronger, more abrupt wave of water hitting places downstream than otherwise would have been expected. Miles of barbed wire became entangled in the debris in the flood waters. Pencil Boots with brass heels. Brown and black stripe gray flannel shirt with collar. Blue calico dress. Steel spring gaiters. Female child. Gray woolen shirt. $5 bill. Two plain hoop rings on third finger of left hand. 38 cents in change. Interred in Sandy Vale or Grand View. Female. Gold breast pin with brilliant setting. Red flannel underwear. 7. Female Age about nine years. Red and white waist. One pair of ear-drops. Age forty to forty-five. Blue waist with white stripes. Button shoes. Six years old. The area surrounding the city is prone to flooding due to its location on the rivers, whose upstream watersheds include an extensive drainage basin of the Allegheny plateau. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Buried Prospect, June 10th. Dark dress. Membership grew to include more than fifty wealthy steel, coal, and railroad industrialists. Female. Blue and brown striped shirt pleated in front, pearl buttons. Male. Female. Upper part of face shaven, also upper part of lower lip. Fair complexion Long black hair. Effect on the development of American law. Body left on lot of Thomas L. Davis. The Horrifying Story Of The Johnstown Flood That Killed Over 2,000 People Age fifty. 20 years in drug store. Weight 180. Sixteen years. Trevor Hughes. Dark hair. Red undershirt. McCullough, David (1968). Two gold rings. Black stockings. Male. Age about thirty-five. Coat red lining, brass buttons with eagles thereon. Burned beyond recognition. Narrative - The Johnstown Flood - Bowdoin College Long black hose Red bandana handkerchief. Comb. A book, on front "M. H R" Steel rim glasses. Age about fifty-five. Flannel skirt and red woolen stockings. Ear-rings. Taken by his brother, in presence of D.J. Light hair. Burnt beyond recognition. Barefooted. Was to have been married on the next Tuesday. . White undershirt. Sandy hair. Spiral garters. Medium build. Dressmaker. has a watch, book, and over $12 in money which was taken from body of George Geddes. Height 5 feet 6 inches. The Wagner-Ritter House is closed for winter until April 19, 2023. Valuables recovered by James Diamond. Female Burned beyond recognition. Light hair. One stud Taken by friends. Blue eyes. Chinaman. Light barred pants 70 cts. Brown ribbon around neck. Conemaugh street, Johnstown. Common gingham apron. Short full face. Age sixty-five. $2.50. R. O., 1886. Valuables given to John Marshall, his brother. Heavy brown hair. Gauze undershirt. Gray woolen dress with red and white mixed stripes and brass buttons. Light brown hair with gray appearance. "Johnstown". Check marked J? Blue calico waist. Old scar on left side of face. Gray and white jacket trimmed with woolen lace. Female. Straw bonnet Black gloves One false tooth. Weight 110. Two gold finger rings with sets. Age sixty-nine. Calico dress cut in two at waist. James, Somerset. of M.C. [21] The long-awaited report was presented at that meeting by James Francis. Black knee breeches with white thread running through the material. Supposed to be Teny Rubert, married to Sabene. Age about twelve. Female. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. A. Hayes, of Hayes, Murray Co., 1103 Race street, Philadelphia. White linen collar with brilliant collar-button. Age fourteen years. true. Male. Black and gray barred underskirt. Pearl street, Johnstown. Brown eyes. Slender. Age seven to eight. Red hair. The Johnstown Flood developed into the biggest news story of the era. White and black barred flannel skirt. Franklin street, Johnstown. Weight 150. Alpaca dress. Female. Light complexion. Age six months. Female. Henry Clay Frick led a group of Pittsburgh speculators, including Benjamin Ruff, to purchase the abandoned reservoir, modify it, and convert it into a private resort lake for their wealthy associates. IMage: library of Congress. Black ribbed stockings. One tooth-brush. Male. Injured July 4th, on P. R. R. and died from effects same day. Supposed to be Mrs. Christy, of Butler, Pa. A girl about twelve years of age. Light drawers. Brown hair. Tall Brown hair. Male. Believed to be John Rausch. The book recorded victims able to be identified and descriptions of the unrecognized. Of Woodvale. Black hair and mustache. Barred flannel skirt. A Grave Interest: Remembering the Johnstown Flood - Blogger Brown dress with red plaited front and cuffs. Dam-breach hydrology of the Johnstown Flood of 1889 Challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report. Canton flannel drawers. Weight 100 to 120. No coat nor vest. Age about thirty-five. Two watch keys. One band ring. Very small shoes. Weight 125. Blonde hair. Found near Walnut street. Blue eyes. Dark hair. Male. Brown suit. Dark hair. Male. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Black dress. Dark brown hair Leather shoes with cloth top. Breast-pin and gold setting. Pocket-knife, black handle. Open (silver) thimble. Rosette breast-pin, black, bound with gold and set with pearls. Age two and a half years. Plain gold ring. Red flannel underskirt striped up and down Left lower jaw deformed. Gold ear-rings with five blue sets. Workers lowered the dam, which had been 72 feet high, by 3 feet. Boy. Female. Female. Small piece of lead-pencil. Black cotton hose Button shoes. Age about fifty-five. This claim has since been challenged. Gold ring with set collar-button. Dark high button shoes. Blue eyes. Female. About twenty years. Height 5 feet 2 inches. No teeth. Auburn hair. No clothing. Age ten. Gosline. Age about fourteen years Weight 90 pounds. Black and white striped dress with a black cross stripe. Checkered knee pants. Brown hair. Age ten years. Visit the Johnstown Flood Museum, which is operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, to find out more about this shocking episode in American history. Silver ring. Male. Two sisters and three brothers lost. Black and white barred flannel drawers. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Light hair. No upper teeth. Light complexion. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Market street, Johnstown, Pa. Open faced gold watch. Laced shoes. No clothing whatever. Male Age seven years. Age thirty. Son of James. White cotton stockings. One pair new gum boots. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Collar buttons. Weight 130. Female. Open faced silver watch. Knee breeches. Eyes unknown. Weight about 110. Heavy build. Barred woolen pantalettes with waist. Female. It was featured as a main attraction at the Stockholm Exhibition of 1909, where it was seen by 100,000 and presented as "our time's greatest electromechanical spectacle", Willis Fletcher Johnson wrote in 1889 a book called, Gertrude Quinn Slattery, who survived the flood as a six-year-old girl, published a memoir entitled. Gold watch Elgin No. Therefore, the official death toll should be 2,208. Female. Portions of the Stone Bridge have been made part of the Johnstown Flood National Memorial, established in 1969 and managed by the National Park Service. Plain gold ring. Blue calico dress with white spots. Young. Tom has no idea of Anna's love for him, and he becomes engaged to Gloria. Male. Gum boots. Assistant Treasurer of Cambria Iron Company. Rhinestone ear-rings ruby set, two sets lost out. With Len Cariou, Elam Bender, Randy Bender, Clarita Berger. Age twelve. Short white hair. Light hair, plaited, tied near middle. Female. Weight 50. B." 1911 was the year the final body was found. Wrench screw. Gingham apron. Had been fifty-five years in America. Prospect, June 14th. Two pocket combs. Height 4 feet 4 inches. Blank book bought of Irwin Rutlege, Jr. Small amount of money. Supposed to be the daughter of Jacob Babb. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Striped calico dress. [25][26], The Johnstown Flood was the worst flood to hit the U.S. in the 19th century. Baby. Weight 140. $1.13 loose. Blue and white striped dress. Black hair. Canton flannel undershirt. Female. Penknife. Dark hair. $5.08 in pockets. Pocket book $1 31. Small tooth-pick. Age five or six. One watch chain, one tooth brush, cash $1.20. Daughter of E. A. James, Jr., 117 Market street, Johnstown. White shirt. Four collar-buttons Set ring. Age about forty-five years. Full face. Derby hat and paint brush found with body. Age twelve. Age about forty. Male Age sixteen to eighteen. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Barred flannel waist with round pearl buttons. Very heavy brown hair tied with blue ribbon. Brown and white dress Barred gingham. Age three. Mustache and beard. Kaktins, Uldis, Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., Coleman, N.M. (2013). Female. Female. . Height 5 feet 4 inches Auburn hair. Male. Buried in lot of C Rabb, Sandy Vale. Red undershirt. Large gold button, oval shape, engraved. Age one and one-half years. Plain gold ring. Red flannel skirt. Papers, etc. Female Age seven or eight years. Small gold ring. Breast-pin. The in-depth story of the deadly 1889 Johnstown Flood caused by the Johnstown Dam Collapse.On Memorial Day of 1889, western Pennsylvania was caught by a mass. Three pair hose, two pair black, one pair black and white stripe. Very much decomposed. Light hair partly gray. 1977 flood | Images of destruction, death and hope: Photographers saw Gold watch. The club was successfully defended in court by the firm of Knox and Reed (later Reed Smith LLP), whose partners Philander Knox and James Hay Reed were both club members. Identified by Mrs. Julia A. Hatzinger. Auburn hair. Weight 125. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. The lake was about 2 miles (3.2km) long, about 1 mile (1.6km) wide, and 60 feet (18m) deep near the dam. Sent to Prospect. Height 3 feet 8 inches. Weight about 160. The last victim wasn't found until 1911. Wife of Philip Myers Cinder street, Johnstown. Taken by James Murphy, "K.". Male. Female. Female. Boilers exploded when the flood hit the Gautier Wire Works, causing black smoke seen by Johnstown residents. Supposed to be Mrs. White. Well dressed. Found in Kernville. Shippensburg, Pa. Age ten. Sent to Prospect for burial. Black broadcloth coat. Female. Female child. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Age twenty to twenty-three. Female. Light hair. Blue eyes. Middle-aged. Age about twenty. Ear-rings with white set. Brown hair. Large broad face. Male. Gum rubbers. Supposed to be John C. Clark's son. Button shoes, size about 4 1/2. Female. Female. Popular feeling ran high, as is reflected in Isaac G. Reed's poem: Many thousand human lives- Inside of locket a star with S. H, words trademark alone a star. Greatly decomposed. Weight 150. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Male. Identified by the husband, Mark Drew. Female. Weight 75. Plain gold ring with raised square centre and diamond set, on second finger of left hand. Probably ten or twelve years of age. Light complexion. Possibly a Jew. Female. Valuables delivered to her husband. Johnstown is 60 miles east of Weight 160. A female. Female. Brown eyes. Hair-pin. White cotton drawers. Pair of shears Eye-glasses. Age thirty Height 5 feet. Age thirteen. Height 5 feet. Oroide watch. Female. Pair of overalls. Weight about 110. Red or sandy hair. Female. Weight 75 Height 4 feet 3 inches. High-buttoned shoes. Gray woolen shirt. Right foot and leg deformed. Found in water at Ten Acre. Leather coin purse Ten cents. One out left side. Heavy gray beard on lower part of face. Female. Male. Black stockings, No. Female. Pocket knife. Height about five feet eight inches. Blood set. Female Age forty-five. Brown socks. Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889 challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report, Heliyon. False teeth upper and lower. Johnstown's first call for help requested coffins and undertakers. Their calculations found . Male. High-buttoned shoe. Supposed to be Mrs. Conrad Snable, bar-tender in Kost saloon on Washington street. Female. After the flood, Andrew Carnegie built the town a new library.[24]. Dark knee pants. High above the city, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania built the South Fork Dam between 1838 and 1853 as part of a cross-state canal system, the Main Line of Public Works. Female. Male. Wore a scapular. 5 large keys. Gold hunting-case watch and chain with charm attached. Age twelve. Male. Buried in lot of Henry Hesselbrie, Sandy Vale, June 9th. Forty were killed by the Laurel Run Dam failure. Black stockings. Medium height. Long black tie or scarf. Age about seventeen. Gum boots. 1528. Button-hook. Pearl buttons. High top button shoes. Black cork-screw pants. New shoes. Female. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Postcard Real Photo Main Street Flood Body Found Johnstown Pennsylvania 1936. In 2008, the bridge was restored in a project including new lighting as part of commemorative activities related to the flood. The Johnstown Flood: Directed by Charles Guggenheim. Following the 1936 flood, the United States Army Corps of Engineers dredged the Conemaugh River within the city and built concrete river walls, creating a channel nearly twenty feet deep. Black stockings. Female. Gray hair. One gold ring. Jersey jacket. Plaid skirt, red and black. Right wrist badly scarred and crippled at one time Supposed to be enciente. Slim waist. Large very light mustache. Gold ring. Canton flannel drawers. Wore about No. Alex. 7, p.216. Weight 60. Silver open faced watch. Age eight. Main street. Age seven years Plaited waist. Supposed to be Walter Jones. About fifteen years old. Supposed to be Katie Krieger. Afterwards thought to be Miss Masterson. Open-faced silver watch Heavy plated chain with black stone set. Prospect, June 12th. Male. Seventy-five cents in coin. Height 3 feet 2 inches. Dark dress. Brown auburn hair. Two keys. Dark blue dress with light blue sleeve. Gold watch and chain. Female. Bunch of keys. Male. Woolen stockings. The body entirely nude, excepting two small pieces of skirt or petticoat Found at Ten Acre in the river, July 3d. Dark brown eyes. Female Age twenty-five. Female. Scapular. Large front teeth not close together. Black clothes. $2.00 bill. Black and yellow pants. Weight 40. Silver watch. Height 5 feet 3 inches. $1 29 silver. The force of the flood swept several locomotives weighing 170,000 pounds as far as 4,800 feet, $3,742,818.78 was collected for the Johnstown relief effort from within the U.S. and 18 foreign countries, The American Red Cross, led by Clara Barton and organized in 1881, arrived in Johnstown on June 5, 1889 it was the first major peacetime disaster relief effort for the, Johnstown has suffered additional significant floods in its history, including in. Reese. Black cashmere dress. Female. A flood that could easily have been prevented. Gingham dress. Black and gray mixed coat. Sent to Prospect. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. Black stockings. Brown hair. Grand View, June 15th. White handkerchief with red border. $75 in money. Set band ring on third finger of left hand. Buttoned shoes. Black pants. The fire burned for three days. Brown eyes. Black hair. Age four years. Red, blue, black and green plaid dress, woolen goods Red flannel skirt. Brown corkscrew coat. Plush collar. Gray eyes. Coarse cotton socks. Blue flannel skirt. Height 5 feet. Age twenty-one years. Height 5 feet 9 inches Sandy hair. Height 5 feet 6 inches. White. Marden A. Dahlstedt wrote the young adult novel, Michael Stephan Oates wrote the historical fiction novel. Light brown hair. Though the Flood of 1889 bears the name of Johnstown, the reason for the flood started 14 miles up river at "Lake Conemaugh." The 3-mile long body of water was originally called the Western Reservoir and was built by the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal system in 1852. Conemaugh Borough. Black stockings. White. Weight 75. Red flannel dress. Male. Supposed to be Miss Gordon of Hager Building. Barred shirt. Two pocket-knives. Flooding in Pennsylvania - National Weather Service White muslin underclothing. Sandy hair. Female. Weight 185. The death toll here was approximately sixteen people. Earring-drop. White and black checkered body. The Johnstown Flood (Short 1989) - IMDb Black stockings. Male. Vol. Woolen skirt. $3,742,818.78 was collected for the Johnstown relief effort from within the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries, including Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, and the Ottoman Empire. Red and white striped dress. Female. Auburn hair. Blue calico basque figured with white squares. Age sixty-five. Red flannel waist. Age about eight. Middle-aged Full head dark brown hair. The Johnstown Flood Antique Book History 1889 by Herman Dieck Illustrated RARE. Fair complexion. Black pants and coat. Female. Collar attached. Charles Baines received the above. Supposed to be Katie Fitzharris. Had shoes on. Memorandum book of slaughter house, having a list of hides in it. Eighteen months old. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Diamond ring on third finger left hand with garnet. Supposed to be Mr. Evans, Machinist. Weight 45 pounds. Two gold band rings. Female. Found and coffined at Tunnellton, Pa. Male. Working clothes. Age twenty-five. [16] Some people who had been washed downstream became trapped in an inferno as the debris that had piled up against the bridge caught fire; at least eighty people died there. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Pair of scissors. Weight 110. Gingham apron. White skirt, Woolen underwear. Congress gaiters. One chased band ring. Sandy complexion. About forty. Male Age twenty. Relief committees were organized in all the larger American cities. Female. Coroner identifies body found in Johnstown garage as man who'd been Female. Blue dress. Found near Sang Hollow. Female. Heavy wool shirt. Odd Fellow's badge on pin. Two door keys One comb Penknife Pocket-book. Very long dark hair, plait in back. Blue calico dress, new, with white vine stripes. National Guard uniform. 5 cts. Dark clothes. Female. Metal buttons, with square figures in centre. Gum boots. Female. Male. A Hebrew. Male. Male. Delivered to husband. White vest. Revered Dr. David J. Beale served as a superintendent of the city morgues after the flood. Bodies filled morgues in Johnstown and river towns downstream until relatives came to identify them. Gingham apron. Clerk Penna. Age about twelve years. Identified 12th August by her sons, Matthew and D. A. Matthews. Drilling clothes. The Johnstown Flood in rare pictures, 1889 Pocket-book with 26 cts. Female. Weight 40. Why is everyone hating The Red Cross now? : r/OutOfTheLoop - reddit Prospect, June 14th. Black hair. Male. GC-PP: Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends GCS: German Catholic Cemetery (Sandyvale) LYC: Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery Dark hair. Spectacles. Effects delivered to mother. Park Archives: Johnstown Flood National Memorial - NPS History Blue calico dress with star figures. Chisholm, Hugh, ed. A jury convened by a county coroner to investigate the cause of the Johnstown Flood that swept more than 2,000 people to their death on May 31 found on Saturday evening . Female. Nearly 12 inches (300 millimetres) of rain fell in 24 hours when . IED New Advertisements. Photo, Print, Drawing The Johnstown Calamity [Johnstown, Pa. One plain ring set out. Age about forty-five. Gray hair. Dark brown hair. 121 Park Place. Black pants. Faces of the Flood: Some victims were never found Age about thirteen. Wife of J. W. Tross. White underwear. Green and purple striped dress. Badly burned. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. However, Johnstown was rebuilt on its original site. Supposed to be Manfield. Light hair. Afterwards identified as Mrs. Frawater, mother of Colonel Frawater. Clater, 534 9th Ave. Short nose. Separable collar-buttons. Johnstown, Pa. Age twenty. Age about four years. Silver tobacco box, with name and date, Jan., 1888 Silver open-faced watch and gold chain. Female. Slippers tied with black bow. Green, black and brown barred pants Gold hunting-case watch and chain. Daughter of James Jones. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Colored. Black jersey. Red moustache and beard. Female Buttoned shoes Rubbers. KEELER & CO., Philadelphia, PA, 1889. Blue and white striped dress Red undershirt Two plain gold rings on second finger of left hand. Earrings. Black ribbed hose. H. Ocker, of Philadelphia, to whom she was engaged to be married, and removed by him to be buried at Shippensburg, Pa. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Age about fifty. Knife. Age about thirty. Height 4 feet. Very long black hair, mixed with gray. No shirt. Buried at "Prospect," June 9th. Blue and white spotted calico dress. Female. Blue eyes. Black ribbed hose. Weight 140. Light hair. Garter shoes. Open-faced watch with chain. Weight 100. Button shoes Medal and "Agnus Dei" around neck. Checkered waist. During the day in Johnstown, the situation worsened as water rose to as high as 10 feet (3.0m)[13] in the streets, trapping some people in their houses. Light brown hair. Red alpaca dress. Silver open faced watch. Age about twelve. Male. Identified by his mother, to whom valuables and body were delivered. Child. Bunch of keys. Age about twenty-one. Black hair. On May 31, 1889, the Johnstown Flood killed 2,209 people in southwest Pennsylvania when the South Fork Dam failed after days of heavy rain. Earrings plain gold. Eyes unknown. Weight 65. Number 4 shoes. Watch. About three feet eight inches in height. [11] Lake Conemaugh at the club's site was 450 feet (140m) in elevation above Johnstown. Age six months. Height about 18 inches. Light eyes. Dark eyes Right hand deformed. Lace shoes with half soles. Supposed to be George B. Sutliff, Crawford county, Pa. Buttoned shoes. Light hair. 3, 335363. Brown eyes. Gray skirt. The other three investigators, William Worthen, Alphonse Fteley, and Max Becker, did not attend. White canton flannel drawers. Red barred flannel underskirt. Silver watch. Identified by D. M. Given. Scarred scarf pin No. Ruby ear-rings. People who . Female. Black hair. Black silk dress White collar. Kollar was one of many photographers who found their way to Johnstown in the hours, days and months after the 1977 disaster. Weight 225. Weighs about one hundred and eighty. Black basque. Pearl buttons on clothes. Female Age seven. Breast-pin. Supposed to be Paul Geddes. Height 5 feet 8 inches Hazel eyes. Apron with red bar.
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