Theres nothing off about either of those photos. It is possible that what Harry is trying unsuccessfully to do to us, is what has been done to him. I was reminded of the time shortly before Diana died when I was in that same half state and inwardly saw Arabs plotting but whether to stop Diana and Dodis escape from the Paris hotel or to facilitate it, I really couldnt say. Town and Country magazine, November 14th 2022.,,,,,,,, prediction about that way back on 17th July 2017,,,,, Thank you. Later on, freedom will be found in a new role. None of us like being mucked around, do we? Enough time has passed. My thoughts are that people should stop speculating on matters in which they do not fully understand when it comes to understanding the dynamics of mixed races. Hi Jessica, Henry may have married Anne Boleyn twice who does that remind you of? I dont think thats what they want anyway. I do belive that we are seeing pieces of a puzzle coming togheter that are slowly changing the world ,and that the purpose is to change the powerbalance between the west/ east by creating instability and conflicts . What immediately springs to mind is the mentions Soho House gets & its involvement with H&M meeting etc. This ran in the Daily Mail, quite possibly one of Harrys least favourite newspapers on the planet, on 19th October 2020. She was seeing Pluto in Aquarius and the impact on Millennials born with the outer planets in Aquarius: the water-bearers. The manufactured war part is very important. Taking the line of succession as a whole, the sitting ducks were Andrew and Harry. What could possibly be more disruptive to Charles and Camillas planned coronation ceremony, than a serious question about the legality of their nuptials? I certainly feel this around the Andrew saga. The team behind Meghan and Harry have found the one thing Americans do care about, though race. Overthinking much? Not only contradicting some of the Oprah claims with Tom Bradby but also contradicting as nonsense Omid Scobies claims in Finding Freedom about MMs supposed security training. If you want to set up a rift in the Church of England, you could do something like this. Its pretty fascinating that a lot of your predictions have come true and its hard to understand why more people dont believe in astrology based on that alone. And whats more there was a moment during Queen Elizabeths funeral that struck me as particularly poignant. Their bishops have refused to back gay marriage. I am astounded and horrified at the nastiness in the ( especially British) media Jeremy Clarkson /Piers Morgan etc shown to Meghan Markle and that people can be so critical of someone they have never met. Jessica This was a good read. It looks like Andrew, Harry, some people in the SNP are being played. If you wanted to break down the special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom, one of the reasons that Nazi Germany was defeated in the last war, how would you do it? Theres a pattern here isnt there. The fact that its her and Harry against the British Royal family is typically Libra. Is this a realistic hope given the astrology? Uranus in Taurus is the storm that nobody really expected to see. Harry published, The Full Moon Eclipse in Leo on January 21st 2019, happened a week later. On the right of the pathway is a memorial bench like structure to her, where people leave flowers. She was delivering a somber speech, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt hear what she was saying. The Queen granted Prince Harry permission to wear this particular uniform for the royal wedding. I keep getting the Prodigal son story in my head. Camilla was hidden in plain sight in the congregation at the wedding. MM absence while H does the publicity rounds re Spare has been noted on the front page (snippet at the bottom of page granted) of Saturdays ( today)The Daily Telegraph Harry left to fly solo as Meghan slips off radar. Opinion polls and social media drive elections and referendums and unpopularity is the driver. Trump? Unfortunately not everyone see Meghan as Harry does. Thank you. Not too far down the track Foster was marrying Meghans old school friend. Another one missed is reincarnation. Gosh, thank you Jessica for this forum to discuss this. It ends in March 2023. Monarchy comes with Shakespearean levels of drama; Elizabeth I knew that and so did Shakespeare. "It's a variation of a seven-year itch and takes seven or eight years of willpower, if they're going to make it." Which in my mind doesnt bode at all well for Harry, as being left alone is a calculated move. ( Randomly, Welbys latest comment is CofE donating 100 million to address effects on communities of TransAtlantic slave trade from which Cof E benefitted financially at that time. ) Keep up the amazing work, Jessica and Happy New Year xx. I will see if there is a chart for Anne; Id not known the story about a pregnancy. Mind you, if Id thrown a few truth bombs, Id be as far as possible from the explosion site as I could! Hindsight is interesting, five years later. At the Thanksgiving service for the Queens Jubilee. Thank you Jessica and the commentators. In the press it said the RF had instructed him to settle to avoid it overshadowing the Jubilee which seems reasonable. The only words I could say to him was: shes not happy. By the time George is in his 20s, nobody would ask that he marry a woman if he was gay, I believe. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. The interior of the building is not like BP as I know it, but more like a temple. Anyone can book a room. Henry Herbert is no longer with us neither is Barry Mannakee (Dianas former bodyguard) who rumour has it was another of Dianas lovers. Billionaire Burkle has a 42.5% stake in Soho House according to The Guardian. James Grey Stuart makes an interesting read. No wife or children. It pulls in karma from 18-19 years prior, and a further 18-19 years before that. Hi Jessica, this feature has generated a lot of comments and surprisingly didnt create the polarization one would expect when reading about the Royal Family; it is a testament to your approach of clarity and fairness in every aspect of your features driven by your expertise in interpreting astrological charts of people and places/countries. William Marshal ruled England for 9 year old Henry iii. Penny Thornton continues: Do you think the relationship with his family will be repaired (I cant see it, maybe with his father but not with his brother) but what does astrology say? The astrology of Prince Harry shows someone who would be a philanthropist and businessman, were he not born into royalty. Neptune in Harrys chart demonstrating unreality, Meghan performing being part of the unreality, its just so so interesting. Worth the short read. Amelie. There is something very, very wrong here. I keep asking why no others have been held accountable for their actions. I know youre getting a lot of comments regarding this feature, it never is boring when it comes to the Royal Family, is it. . Ive just had five more questions in the last five minutes so I will continue to update this feature. Thank you. harry styles astrology predictions. Oh dearthis is turning into the perfect storm, not exactly a storm in a teacup! The blame went to the allegedly drunk driver. For the short term anyway. Ive had enough problems with my own life that just continue. Only my opinion.See it clearly. According to an article in the Tatler 07/09/22 writer Rebecca Cope states that it was the Vladimir tiara Meghan wanted. Maybe self-interested or narcissistic but not a world leader or a model citizen. Ill talk more about that in a moment. Astrology is a respected age old practice that unfortunately has always had its critics. Questions remain about why she was found without a seat belt when dozens of photographs show her habitually wearing one. Could she be considered a bigamist twice over? Most interesting, grasshopper. Product placement? A Happy Lunar New Year to you also, He dubbed the title The Archbitter of Canterbubble. I havent seen or heard anything of Meg? Any thoughts or insights? Or, even more fitting, kabuki. An exciting one. Hi Jessica Harrys chart shows shocks ahead. Ive heard that rumour about Diana and Henry Herbert too. Maxwell-Epstein is all this. There is an earlier date, March 7th, when Saturn leaves 0 Pisces, so this feels like a tale in two parts. I can only comment on the astrology. Since Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. There are other churches, like the Methodists and Presbyterians. Camilla does in fact have karma going back to the years Diana was still with us and she must repay that, according to the astrology but also be repaid if she is owed, spiritually. So, for example, you would not take a job with a control freak boss who wanted to see all your emails. Kanga had been a long time girlfriend and acquaintance of the then Prince Charles. I have read all post s and comments. There is a large table or desk at which I can see the Queen. Russia has the Sun at 16 Sagittarius in her independence chart. The interesting thing about gaslighting (from the Patrick Hamilton play, Gaslight) is that it doesnt work. She didnt swing from a helicopter with 007 at the London Olympics, for nothing. If you cannot at this time I understand. Best to you, Cecelia, Ah, thanks Cecelia. Is Harry the honey trap to somehow catch the bigger and more threatening fish? Julie, you ask a very good question which anyone in the court of Henry VIII would have asked too. You are the best! The idea of him being Chancellor of the Exchequer and the way he and others manipulated Liz Truss to her downfall. Diana of course suffered from mental health issues herself and while it is plain to see that Charles and Camilla love each other very much, in many ways that love was built on Dianas suffering. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. The chart speaks. For the record I never predicted their marriage would end. Thank you for your articles which I love reading. Fate. Angela Kelly is the woman, isnt she? He said Charles needs to suffocate this. Why is this the first time I have read about these rumours! Ive not looked at the China astrology chart in terms of Andrew and Harry (astrologically, we pair them together, as both were drawn into the Leo eclipse cover-ups at the height of Trump Russia). If you were a television actress in Los Angeles, not particularly making it big, and you were offered the chance to become the Duchess of Sussex, one day become the future King and Queens substitute when (say) abroad or indisposed wouldnt you do your job in The Firm? We do have evidence that the photographs and clips which appear seem to be deliberately constructed from history. I have been amazed that some people still seem to find their behaviour acceptable, until I considered that unless a person has experienced narcissistic abuse, or studied it, they have no frame of reference for it. Janie Bee. It was hard to follow. That is huge ask and it should not be left to these ancient ideas. Too funny. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. They pointed in the direction of revolution, albeit with no exception and no gunfire. If the Monarchy survives this. Eventually the tableau comes to rest. But no. This day, January 14th 2019, was when Meghan showed the worlds press pack she was expecting the baby who would be born as Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor on May 6th 2019, so four months later. I happened by fluke upon a YouTube Video ( of a NBS USA TV Feature by journalist Ann Curry airing secret videos of Princess Diana speaking to her speech coach Peter Settelen in 1992 (any eclipses as coverups?). They see no wrong in what they do. you mentioned this is all a distraction, the problem is that peoples lives are at stake. I will need to find the astrological chart for MCG to see if there is any foundation for that line of thought. Ive been trusting your predictions and following your astro advice since your predictions about Greece and their economy before it happened. I do keep coming back to Harrys Sagittarius (foreign) stellium, though. Soho House is certainly expanding; I guess it will take The Sunday Times to dig deeper, or The Guardian. Sometimes free. That is what we are seeing with the Church of England and the House of Windsor on March 7th and 23rd. The miscarried child was male and it was immediately after this that Henry told Anne they would clearly never have male children together, and turned against her. Are there any transits to show that the negative media about this couple will fade away? Dont forget the Mercury R. Its all very peculiar. It would be good if more army veterans approached Harry, even through an open letter in the newspaper. I cannot wait until March to see what happens. The second thing I wanted to mention was a clip I saw on Youtube yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel, mocking Harrys book and mentioning him crying to his mummy up on a cloud about his frost bitten willy. Many thanks for your previous replies to my comments. The marriage of her grandson, Harry, to Meghan, happened when the Queen's progressed Venus squared Uranus in Pisces - I guess that is the disruptive mixed-race American wife, who needed to be integrated into the royal household.
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