A. Typical uses include office equipment and supply firms, small business machine repair shops, hotel equipment and supply firms. The maps, drawings, and specifications indicating the proposed location and design of improvements to be installed in a subdivision/site plan. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL USE TYPES. Temporary signs placed on construction sites to identify the contractor, engineer, architect, or developer not exceeding 64 square feet in area. Generally. Stabilization. Generating plants, electrical switching facilities and primary substations, refuse collection or disposal facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants, and similar facilities. Components and processes present in or produced by nature, including but not limited to, soil types, geology, slopes, vegetation, surface water, drainage patterns, aquifers, recharge areas, climate, floodplains, aquatic life, and wildlife. 4. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the City Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing. C. Reduction of Minimum Residential Lot Width. The City shall give written notice of violation to the responsible party or to the occupant of the premises if the responsible party is not known. A. Newly annexed territory that is part of a lot already annexed or within City Limits will be zoned directly to the zoning designation of the portion of the lot already within the City. Doctor, dentist, veterinarian or other medically related office; or. This section provides specific approval criteria for the following policy-related applications: A. Applicability. The use of a site for two or more townhouse dwelling units, constructed with common or abutting walls each located on a separate ground parcel within the total development site, together with common area serving all dwelling units. Plat note stating: Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with Chapter 5, Subdivisions & Public Improvements, City of Liberty Hill Unified Development Code. City of Liberty Hill - TML City Officials Directory Land used for the burial of the dead, and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbaria, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries, when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. Does not affect the residential character of the dwelling nor cause the dwelling to be extended; 4. In no case shall building height exceed 35 feet in the Downtown Overlay District. BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICES. This section shall not extend the time of validity for any permit. The location generally corresponds to the Town Center Plan area in the Comprehensive Plan. F. Estimates for posting fiscal surety for landscaping requirements, maintenance, erosion and sedimentation control, roads, and utilities are also required for final plat review. Noxious Matter. A. Computation of Area of Individual Signs. M. Voluntary Compliance. This section applies to the following subdivision-related applications: A. Such uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this Code. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). The fifth anniversary of the effective date of Chapter 245 of the Local Government Code; or, B. The period must have a time limit, not to exceed ninety (90) days. NEIGHBORHOOD DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS FOR LIBERTY HILL AT STONEHILL VILLAGE Nutter Enterprises, Ltd., an Ohio limited liability company ("Developer") adopts this First Amendment and Restatement of the Neighborhood Design Review Standards for Liberty Hill at Stonehill Village (the "Neighborhood DRS") effective as of August 1,2020. A use engaged in the basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products predominately from extracted or raw materials, or a use engaged in storage, or manufacturing processes utilizing flammable or explosive materials, or storage or manufacturing processes which potentially involve hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions. Any base zoning district in the downtown overlay can be conditionally upzoned to C-2, following the procedures and criteria for a conditional use permit. Geographic Information System (GIS). Pursuant to such authority, all chapters and sections of the UDC shall apply to all areas within the city limits of Liberty Hill. A lot situated at the intersection of two (2) or more streets. Transfer Station (or see also Waste Disposal Services). The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this Chapter: 1. Offices or private firms or organizations which are primarily used for the provision of executive, management, or administrative services. A recreational facility for use by residents and guests of a particular residential development, planned unit development, church, private primary educational facility, private secondary educational facility, club or lodge, or limited residential neighborhood, including both indoor and outdoor facilities. Conditional Use permits allow for discretionary City Council approval of uses with unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Code. I. G. Any plat that requires a waiver from Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards, any utility dedication, or any dedication of land must be reviewed as a preliminary plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. All day care facilities shall meet the minimum state requirements for such facilities and shall be registered with the State of Texas. In making the required findings, the City Council shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, the existing use of land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed development, the possibility that a nuisance may be created, and the probable effect of such variance upon traffic conditions and upon public health, convenience, and welfare of the vicinity. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any work on the site pursuant to the site plan unless and until a new application for site plan approval has been filed and processed in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the City Council grants approval of a new final site plan that remedies the violations of the original site plan. Criteria. E. The Commission has given due consideration to all technical information supplied by the applicant. Responsibility of Subdividers Engineer. The city has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the citys population grows. B. They include such features as bluffs, springs, canyon rim rocks, caves, sinkholes and wetlands. City Engineer The invalidity of any section of this Code in any one or more instances shall not affect or prejudice in any way the validity of this Code in any other instance. The fact that property may be utilized more profitably should a variance be granted may not be considered grounds for a variance. Any boundary of a lot that is not a front lot line or a side lot line but generally running parallel to, and opposite of, a front lot line. C. Final Plat Application Requirements. Front setbacks adjacent to streets in the Downtown Overlay district shall be similar to the nearest existing adjacent principal structure on the same street. An area of land, building, structure, or object, or a group or combination thereof, including appurtenances and environmental setting which that [sic] may be significant in national, state, or local history, architecture, archeology, or culture. (k) Fifty percent of land contained within the 100-year floodplain shall be credited against the parkland dedication requirement; provided that adjoining land within the 25-year floodplain is also dedicated. Predominantly spectator uses conducted within an enclosed building. Any person who violates any provision of this Code is subject to a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or more as permitted by law, for each act of violation and for each day of violation. 3. 1. Principles for computing sign area and sign height are contained in Section 6.12.04 below. City Hall 409 N Calhoun St West Liberty, IA 52776. Blocks shall be laid out to provide effective connectivity within and among subdivisions and neighborhoods. Transferor Parcel. Joint Use Facilities. A statement indicating that the omission of a limitation or restriction shall not relieve the Applicant of the necessity of complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws; x. City issues $10 million wastewater bond - Liberty Hill Independent Administrator. COMMUNITY RECREATION. The terms include the following: owner, owners agent, landowner, property owner, applicant, developer, and subdivider. Sound Pressure. The ETJ increases as population increases. The use of land for the production and primary processing of food and fibers for sale, including cultivating, dairying, horticulture, pasturing, floriculture, silviculture, viticulture, animal and poultry husbandry, and such incidental accessory facilities as greenhouses and nurseries, provided that the operation of such accessory facilities shall be clearly secondary to normal agricultural activities. Q. B. To enforce all provisions of this Code; 3. Abandoned Sign. 1. 11. If the problem persists, please contact admin@franklinlegal.net. Any building, structure, or use lawfully existing at the time of passage of this Code, although not in compliance therewith, may be maintained as provided in Chapter 4, Zoning, Section 4.14, Nonconforming Uses. A facility supporting maintenance, repair, vehicular or equipment servicing, material storage, and similar activities, including corporation yards, equipment service centers, and similar uses having characteristics of commercial services or contracting or industrial activities. Wherever this Code imposes a higher standard than that required by any other ordinance or requirement, the provisions of this Code shall govern to the extent permitted by law. 2. The landowners or developers engineer shall provide the City an estimate of the total cost of all uncompleted or unaccepted improvements as may be required by this Code; and the estimate shall be acceptable to the City Administrator or his designee; and. The use of a site for residential occupancy of living accommodations by groups of more than six persons not defined as a family, on a weekly or longer basis. The ground surface in its original state before grading, stripping, excavation, landscaping, or filling. To comply with any other duty or responsibility clearly assigned to the City Administrator elsewhere in this Code; 2. The overlay zoning districts address special siting, use and compatibility issues that require use and development regulations in addition to those found in the underlying zoning districts. In fulfilling any responsibilities in this Section that require technical or other expertise, the City Administrator or designee of the Council shall rely on the assistance of City Engineer or another designee for such expertise. A grouping of retail business and service uses on a single site with common parking facilities. That the development objectives of the property owner are or will be frustrated. An administrative exception may only be requested by the City Administrator. The soils, topography, land slope and aspect, and local climate that influence the form and species composition of plant communities. Renewable Resource. In the context of subdivision platting, a parcel is either a tract of land platted for a designated purpose other than as a legal building site (e.g. The following paragraphs serve as a key to the summary table and indicate how each specific use is treated. A stormwater permit is required prior to any development construction within the City limits to ensure conformance to the stormwater management provisions and other applicable requirements of this Code. Existing usage will be allowed to continue unless the usage changes. The administrative official for the purposes of this Chapter shall be the City Administrator and his assistants, deputies, and department heads insofar as they may be charged by the City Administrator and the provisions of this chapter with duties and responsibilities referenced in this Chapter and Chapter 3. The submittal shall contain the following information as part of the site plan: A. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL. Upon written receipt of an application requesting an Administrative exception or adjustment, the City Administrator may request the BOA to consider an administrative exception or adjustment. Such requirements must be sufficient to permit the Administrator to effectively review the application and for the final approving authority to render an informed decision. Any natural or artificial stream, river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, conduit, culvert, drain, waterway, gully, ravine or wash, in and including any area adjacent thereto, which is subject to inundation by reason of overflow or flood water. The City Administrator shall advise the City Attorney of the claim, and the City Attorney shall make a determination of the validity of the claim within twenty (20) days of its receipt by the City; provided, however, that the twenty (20) day period shall not begin to run until all requisite information to support the claim has been submitted. A. (5) The area shall not be subject to any reservation of record, encumbrances of any kind, or easements which will interfere with the use of the land for park or recreational purposes. 2. in the City of Morgan Hill. The City Administrator may initially declare that such conditions exist without approval of the City Council, and must provide timely notice to all affected applicants. Site Plan Review Site Development Permit. Zoning Floating Zone. B. Railroad yards, equipment servicing facilities, and terminal facilities. Marquee Sign. Hospital Services (General). The owner of any premises on which there is displayed or maintained an abandoned sign or abandoned supporting structure shall comply with the following requirements: 1. The Site Plan shall indicate which trees are proposed to remain, and which are to be removed. A. Historic Resource. Mutual access easements may be required during the platting process to limit the number of curb cuts along Major and Minor Arterials. ii. Land carried on the Williamson County Appraisal District tax rolls as agricultural land, or which is used for the purpose of conducting agricultural activities. SAFETY SERVICES. A preliminary plan approval is required prior to final plat approval, except under certain conditions[.]. A public school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the State of Texas. The BOA reviews and makes recommendations of on [sic] an appeal of an Administrative Decision and Administrative Exception or Variance to a zoning decision. The applicant shall provide a written guarantee that all litter generated by the event or use shall be removed within a reasonable and appropriate timeframe at no expense to the City. The standard review period for any application may be extended one time for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days if a review body or final action authority requests additional studies or information concerning the application. In addition to any other remedy provided in this Code or any other ordinance of this City and cumulative thereof, the City shall have the power by resolution of the City Council to cause any of the work or improvements required to be completed by the owner or applicant under the provisions of this Code to be undertaken by the City on the account of the owner of the property on which work or improvements are done; and the City shall cause the expense thereof to be assessed upon the real estate or lot upon which such expense is incurred and/or shall place a lien on said property. A Zoning Verification Letter does not vest the property owner with permission to proceed with a development; does not specify requirements that must be met for future development; and does not include a determination that a tract of land may be developed. A. C. Notwithstanding the above, any garage or carport shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from a right-of-way. Landing fields, aircraft parking and service facilities, and related facilities for operation, service, fueling, repair, storage, charter, sales, and rental or [of] aircraft, and including activities directly associated with the operation and maintenance of airport facilities and the provision of safety and security. TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL. Flood Protection Elevation (FPE). H. Upon submission of an application, the City Administrator will determine whether the application is complete, as described in Chapter 3. Two or more persons occupying a dwelling unit and using common cooking facilities, provided that unless all members are related by blood or marriage, or legal adoption, no such shall contain more than four (4) nonrelated persons. The criteria for determining conditions under this permit are described in Section 4.10. Conditional Uses (Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Standards) (C): indicates that a Conditional Use Permit must be applied for under the provisions of Section 3.07.03. The City may require additional land and improvements for rights-of-way for adjacent thoroughfares where necessary to achieve adequacy of the road network and where such additional land and improvements are proportional to the traffic impacts generated by the proposed development, depending on factors such as the impact of the development on the thoroughfare, the timing of development in relation to need for the thoroughfare, and the likelihood that adjoining property will develop in a timely manner. Building coverage is measured from the faces of the walls, not the eaves of the roof. Notify the City Administrator if the Administrative Procedures Manual does not clarify the timing of these procedures. Streets including rights-of-way, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, signalization, and street lighting; B. 3. Home Occupation Types. A sign with flashing, blinking or moving lights, regardless of wattage, whether directly or indirectly illuminated, except for time and temperature signs. While greater flexibility is given to allow special conditions or restrictions that would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established to insure against misuse of increased flexibility. A description of the lighting fixtures, including lamps, poles or other supports and shielding devices, which may be provided as catalogue illustrations from the manufacturer; C. Photometric data, which may be furnished by the manufacturer, showing the angle of light emission; and. For substantial improvement, the start of construction is the first alteration of any structural part of the building. Typical uses include sports arenas, racing facilities, and amusement parks. The requirement for assessment of and improvements to the transportation network applies to existing and future transportation networks associated with land development activities, within the City limits and within the Citys extraterritorial jurisdiction. As used in this Ordinance Code [sic], plat shall be a map of a tract of land showing boundaries of individual lots, outlots, parcels, and outparcels, and streets, easements and rights-of-way prepared in accordance with this Ordinance Code [sic] as an instrument for recording in the official Public Records of Williamson County. Accessory Dwelling Unit. The Comprehensive Plan reflects Liberty Hills long-term plan for growth and development. 4. The bond sale was done on Feb. 23 and City Council approved it the same day during their regularly scheduled meeting. Junk (or Salvage) Yard. The notice shall include a description of the violation, the date such violation was noted, instructions to contact the City Administrator to apply for a permit for the sign, if applicable, and the fine schedule if the notice is not heeded, refused or unclaimed. B. Zoning Verification Letter. COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACILITIES. Certificates more than three (3) years old may be made available in conformance with the Public Information Act. Time and Temperature Sign. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward their recommendation to the City Council who is responsible for final action on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. C. Preserve significant archaeological sites throughout Liberty Hill. It shall be the duty of the City Council and the City Administrator, acting on behalf of the City Council, to enforce the requirements of this Code. E. A nonconforming use shall not be extended or rebuilt in case of obsolescence or total destruction by fire or other cause. Offices, administrative, clerical or public contract services that deal directly with the citizen, together with incidental storage and maintenance of necessary vehicles. The scoping meeting may occur during any required preapplication conference, but may also be scheduled after an initial preapplication meeting. An open area within a residential development reserved for the exclusive use of residents of the development and their guests. COCKTAIL LOUNGE (BAR or TAVERN). Failure to do so shall authorize the City to complete the improvements using the fiscal surety provided by the landowner or developer. After completion of construction, the developer shall deliver to the City as-built construction documents indicating all improvements, new construction, and upgrades. Typical uses include boarding kennels, pet motels, or dog training centers. RESOURCE EXTRACTION. Significantly Eroding Areas. The maximum density for this district is 20 units per acre. Typical uses include hotels, motels and inns. B. The careful and planned removal of trees, shrubs, and plants using specific standards and protection measures under an approved forest conservation plan. Communication Tower. D. A decision to revoke a variance or special use permit shall be effective immediately. Where complete separation of pedestrian and vehicles is not feasible, potential hazards shall be minimized by using landscaping, bollards, special paving, lighting and other similar means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas. Industrial Park. R. A person aggrieved by a final action on a BOA procedure may appeal to a competent court of record within ten (10) days of the final action (see Texas Local Government Code, SS 211.011). If, within fourteen (14) days, the responsible party fails to contact the City Administrator in writing, bring the sign into conformance with this Code, or apply for a permit for the sign, the City Administrator shall have the sign removed or impounded without further notice, and/or shall fine the owner on a daily basis as set forth within this Code. This district is intended to provide for conventional detached single-family dwellings at a density not to exceed 6.7 units per acre (minimum lot size of 6,500 sf). B. Motel, Motor Court, Motor Hotel, Lodge, or Inn. G. The City Administrator shall schedule the hearing of the appeal at the earliest regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council that will allow compliance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The penalties in this section shall be cumulative and are not exclusive of any other rights or remedies the City may have or pursue. Lot Area, Gross. Exceptions to this review period are as follows: A. The diameter of a tree trunk measured at four feet above the root collar. Buffering is intended to protect the character and stability of residential areas, to conserve the value of land and buildings of the properties and neighborhoods adjacent to nonresidential developments, and to enhance the visual and aesthetic image of the City of Liberty Hill. D. Limitations. B. A. 3. H. Exemption from vested rights. In addition, cross-access easements may be required between adjacent lots to encourage a secondary circulation system. Liberty Hill is part of the Greater Austin Area. C. The City Council shall, if requested in writing by the permit holder, hold a public hearing no later than forty-five (45) days after notification is sent to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit of its intent to suspend. Approval Criteria. AGRICULTURAL SALES AND SERVICES. To provide for the enforcement of the provisions of this Section[.]. The (flood) elevation of the lowest habitable floor of any building as established in a flood elevation certificate executed by a Texas licensed property line or land surveyor. The temporary use shall not cause undue traffic congestion or safety concerns, as determined by the City Engineer, given anticipated attendance and the design of adjacent streets, intersections and traffic controls. Part of a building between any floor and the floor next above, and if there be no floor above, then the ceiling above. A copy of the agreements providing for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance and supervision of such facilities shall be presented to the City Administrator and approved as to form by the City Attorney at the time of final plat approval or site development permit issuance and shall be filed of record with the plat or permit thereof. G. Park (PARK). K. The City Administrator may establish procedures for administrative review necessary to ensure compliance with this Code and state law. Nonresidential Development uses Maximum Impervious Cover only. I. Facade Easement. Lot, Through. 4. The final plat must incorporate all changes from the preliminary plat that were considered and approved by the City Council. HOTEL-MOTEL. Until the Commission has been given final action authority by the City Council, appeals shall be made to City Council. The accessory use shall be subordinate to and support a primary use or principal; B. The City Council is responsible for appointing and removing any members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, BOA, and Parks and Recreation Board. The build-to line shall be measured from an exterior wall to the property line such that the accuracy of the building placement shall be within a foot, as authorized. H. Location, lighting and type of signs; and relation of sills to traffic control and adverse effect on adjacent properties. This section shall not be applicable to any ordinance that concerns the development of real property; as adopted prior to the adoption of this chapter and is exempted by 245.004 from the protection provided by Chapter 245. K. Maximum of 8 living units in a row, per building. Such letter of credit or bonds shall be issued by a financial institution authorized to do business in the State of Texas. Home Occupation. A strip of land having vegetation that provides habitat and a safe passageway for wildlife. Each day any violation of this Code or of any ordinance of the City continues shall constitute a separate offense. C. Computation of Height. C. Where appropriate, a letter from each respective utility service provider (when such utility is not provided by the City of Liberty Hill) which states that all requirements have been met, is sufficient in meeting the intent of this section. 3. City Council approval of a PUD also constitutes final approval of the binding PUD development ordinance and PUD general development plan that were attached to the PUD application, as modified by the City Council. The use of the following terms in this Code refers to the person, entity, or agent thereof who may apply for an approval or a permit or another decision of the City under this Code. A legal description of the subject property and the names of the legal and equitable owners; ii.
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